Human Subjects (IRB)

Human Subjects IRB Review Board

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at UNT is charged to oversee the safety and protection of human subjects in research conducted or supported by UNT faculty, staff and students. The IRB is guided by the ethical principles outlined in the ‘Belmont Report’ and by 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 46 “The Common RuleResearch Integrity and Compliance (RIC) provides support and resources to the research community and Institutional Review Board (IRB). The University of North Texas maintains an approved Federal-wide Assurance 

 UNT’s FWA number is 00007479, expiring March 23, 2023. ​ 

Contact Information

The main phone line for UNT’s IRB program is (940) 565-4643, and the email address is

You may contact our office to schedule an appointment to meet with an IRB analyst. Request a virtual meeting by emailing us at

To request permission to proceed with in-person human subjects research during the COVID-19 University reopening, please follow this guidance.