Distance Learning & Instructional Technology


The mission of the Office of Distance Learning and Instructional Technology is to provide vision, leadership, and faculty support in the development of quality online and hybrid courses and programs and the integration of innovative instructional technologies that effectively promote student engagement and support teaching and learning.

We partner with UNT Dallas faculty, departments, and administration in the creation, design and delivery of high-quality learning experiences by supporting the use of instructional technologies for classroom, online and hybrid courses focusing on best practices, standards and researched based methods for instructional technology integration and instructional design.

Virtual Open Labs

In order to ensure that the Distance Learning and Instructional Technology (DLIT) staff can continue to support instructors in the transition to remote delivery, our staff will offer Virtual Open Labs via Zoom at pre-scheduled times on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Book a Virtual Open Lab appointment with University of North Texas at Dallas
Book an appointment at the link above or visit Virtual Open Labs for more information.