Study Abroad

You can Honors credit for studying abroad through any program approved by the UNT Study Abroad office. You will receive six hours of Honors credit for a semester-long program or three hours for a summer program. Only six hours of Study Abroad credit can be applied toward your Honors award (one semester experience or two summer experiences).  

Honors College Summer Study Abroad: World War II in Europe 

This course highlights the fall, occupation, and eventual liberation of France and Belgium from Allied and German perspectives. Begin the journey in Paris, walk the beaches of the D-Day invasion, and view foxholes and gun emplacements at Battle of the Bulge sites. This trip will take you to France, Belgium, and Germany during the 2020 Maymester session. The course is open to all Honors College students; participating students will enroll in HNRS 4000: Global Perspectives to earn credit for the study abroad experience.   


Read about Natalie Bennett's ('20) participation in the 2019 offering of this study abroad experience.

Natalie Bennett standing on Omaha Beach


Find Honors College Study Abroad information on the Honors College Canvas page.