Academic Advising

The Academic Advising Program is designed to provide academic support and assistance to students enrolled at the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science.  Services may include, but are not limited to, one-on-one meetings to assist students with the development of skills related to time management and personal study habits. The academic advisors work closely with students regarding an overall assessment of academic progress and the assignment of tutoring services when needed.  The academic advisors also function as liaisons with the UNT faculty members who teach TAMS students to obtain grades, attendance records, and other course related requirements.

The Academic Advising Program coordinates the Summer Mathematics Institute during the summer.  For more information regarding this program, please visit Summer Mathematics Institute.

Sam Earls

If you have academic questions regarding the TAMS Class of 2021, please contact Sam Earls at
Schedule an Appointment Here
Sam Earls

Before joining the academic staff at TAMS in September of 2014, Sam was a Residential Counselor for three years at the Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science in his hometown of Bowling Green, Kentucky. During his time at Gatton and TAMS, Sam has loved being immersed in an environment filled with fun, hard-working students who constantly yearn for knowledge and growth. In January 2015, his passion for the field led Sam to begin pursuing a PhD in Educational Psychology with a concentration in Gifted and Talented Education, and he plans to graduate in 2021. While working at Gatton, Sam earned his Master’s in Student Affairs (Higher Education) from Western Kentucky University. Sam earned his B.A. in History from Vanderbilt University. Outside of his office hours, Sam can often be found eating lunch with TAMSters at Maple Cafeteria (UNT's vegan dining hall), playing frisbee, softball, or basketball with TAMS intramural teams, advising the TAMS Research Organization, or marveling at TAMS students' many talents during Aid The Cause, HOPE Auction, coffeehouses, plays, and more.  

Melissa Schneider

If you have academic questions regarding the TAMS Class of 2022, please contact Melissa Schneider at
Schedule an Appointment Here
Melissa Schneider

Melissa has been with the TAMS program as an academic counselor since 2019. Prior to her work with TAMS, she served in several professional and graduate-level positions at UNT, including three years as a developmental education coordinator in the UNT Learning Center and two years as a graduate assistant with the Office of Disability Accommodation (now Access). Melissa received her Master of Education degree in Higher Education from UNT in 2014, her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Texas State University in 2011, and is certified to teach English Language Arts and Reading 7-12 in the State of Texas. Melissa loves working with students at the beginning of their higher education journeys and being a small part of the many amazing things that the TAMS students accomplish. In her free time, Melissa enjoys cooking, taking Zumba classes, and taking her two dogs, Russell and Tucker, on long walks.