TAMS Graduation 2020

  • Thritha Anand

    Dull Roar, President
    Cellist for the Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra
    National Merit Scholar 

  • Arinze Appio-Riley

    2020 UNT Student Organization Community Service Award
    Hispanic Scholarship Fund Finalist
    Eagle Scout

  • Sneha Banerjee

    MVP in Coppell Varsity Tennis MVP, SLAMPT, victory for TAMS Tennis !
    Hosting TAMS's first silent disco,TBO Events Supervisor
    National Merit Scholar

  • Abhijeet Bendapudi

    Had a conference paper accepted at IEEE's Radio and Wireless Week 2020 in San Antonio, Texas under Dr. Ifana Mahbub
    Ballot 2019-2020 Director of Logistics
    Made the UNT President's List for the Fall 2019 semester

  • Naman Bhasin

    TAMS Masala, Leader and Creator
    DECA International Career Development Conference, Qualifier. Couldn't attend due to COVID 19
    Co-author on a paper in review for publishing regarding the creation of a pH indicator used in Zebrafish eggs.

  • Tanvi Bobba

    Volunteered two years for Circle of Friends
    Discovered the joy of knitting through Knit Club
    Tutored others in Chemistry and Biology

  • Travis Brooks

    UNT President’s List, 2 semesters
    Easterwood Scholarship Recipient
    Admittance into an honors program at my choice university.

  • Julia Camacho

    Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 4th Place
    Texas Junior Academy of Science (TJAS), Computer Science, 1st Place, Physical Sciences, 2nd Place
    National Center for Women & Information Technology,Aspirations in Computing Award, National Winner

  • Jeffrey Chen

    TAMS Student Council, President 
    HOPE, Treasurer
    US Presidential Scholar,  Semifinalist

  • Stephen Chen

    TAS Gen Chem Tutor

  • Ishan Chhatbar

    Ambassadors Preview-Day Coordinator
    Docked Bhangra Dance, Captain
    Received a Publication for research in the lab of Dr. Nandika D'Souza

  • Eric Chhong

    Presidential Scholar 
    "A" Student

  • Chandana Chitralekha

    First author of our poster presentation for the 2020 Texas Association for Behavior Analysis (TxABA) conference 
    President’s List for entire TAMS Career
    Vice-President of TAMS Student Council

  • Lina Choi

    Poster publication under Dr. Edward M. Dzialowski
    TAMS Summer Research Scholarship Recipient 
    Helping Other People Everywhere (HOPE) High School Tutoring Committee Head 

  • Mia Choi

    National Merit Scholar
    Gold President’s Volunteer Award
    National Academic Quiz Tournament’s High School National Championship Tournament (HSNCT), Captain qualifying team

  • Ananya Choudhary

    President of TAMS Business Organization & Docked Bhangra CoCapt
    Delivered a TedX Talk on Institutional Discrimination in the American Justice System
    Journalist and Research Intern at United4Social Change, a nonprofit social advocacy organization

  • Liu Copeland

    President of VIBE
    Business Coordinator for TAMS Culinary Society
    Elm Fork Volunteering Committee Head

  • Jingyi Dai

    Treasurer - TAMS Mu Alpha Theta
    Discovering the importance of metal health
    Member - Dr. William E. Acree's Chemistry Lab

  • Neal Davar

    Presenter - International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis 2019 
    Undergraduate Researcher for the RECOVER Consortium 
    National Merit Finalist 

  • Alexander David

    Member of the Interfacial Electrochemistry and Materials Research Lab 
    TAMS Volleyball Co-Captain
    UNT President's List

  • Erin Del Paggio

    TAMS Sports Club, President
     Dr. Hu's Biomedical Lab, Researcher
    UNT President's List

  • Karthik Devulapally

    Performed research in Dr. Mager's Environmental Toxicology Lab
    National Merit Finalist
    Texas Health Dallas Senior Volunteer

  • Pranav Ebburu

    President's List, 3 semesters

  • Julianna Esparza

    Gardening and volunteering coordinator 
    Alumni Scholarship Recipient

  • Anna Evans

    Volunteering Coordinator for Eureka! Physics Club
    Executive of the Sexuality And Gender Alliance

  • Waylin Fogarty

    2019 NASA High School Aerospace Scholar
    NASA Johnson Space Center, Paid Internship
    Pursuing Undegraduate and Masters in Aerospace Engineering

  • Joyce Francis

    The friends I have made at TAMS
    My talks with Ms. Wendy

  • Kimberly Gao

    VIBE, Executive
    Senior Mentor

  • Donovan Gapinski

    Eureka! Competitions Coordinator 
    National Honor Society Member
    Frequent Plunderer of Local Bookstores

  • Rhythm Garg

    International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) – Second Prize Grand Award and Two Special Awards
    2019 Inventor's Challenge Winner – Grace Hopper Incubator Prize 
    President of Mu Alpha Theta and Founder & President of Artificial Intelligence Society

  • Bryan Ge

    Jake saving HOPE Auction by removing the balloon stuck in the fan
    Going on BLB adventures with my friends
    Vibing with my friends during the TAMS Silent Disco

  • Avi Gupta

    Siemens Scholarship Recipient
    Published in the American Heart Association journal, “Circulation”
    TAMS Science Olympiad Team, Coach

  • Jacob Ha

    Building the Naturally community garden
    Founder, President, and Secretary of the Dr. Crossley Fanclub

  • Lylian He

    National Merit Finalist
    "An Investigation of the Correlation Between Religious Commitment and Benevolent Sexism Beyond the White/Black Dichotomy," Poster Presentation
    Ambassadors Executive

  • Emily Hickman

    Biomedical research at the University of Texas at Dallas
    Presidential Honors Scholarship at school of choice 
    Granted 1 of 25 auto-admit positions into one of the largest upper level division nursing programs in the US

  • Jason Hirsch

    Brockman Scholar
    Member of Connected Autonomous Vehicle Research Team
    UNT President’s List

  • Connie Hu

    Project Smile, Committee Coordinator
    UNT President's List, two years
    Favorite memory: midnight returns on the A-train  

  • Grace Huang

    Senior Mentor (C200B is best wing!)
    Tams Culinary Society, Executive 

  • Anish Indukur

    TAMS Ambassadors, Executive
    National Merit Scholar

  • Arnav Iyer

    The lifelong friends I made while at TAMS
    Learning how to live independently and develop a healthy lifestyle

  • Rosalie Jiang

    TAMS Culinary Society, Vice President
    Organized Holi, FACES, Secretary
    The one day it snowed at TAMS

  • Jason Jiang

    Featured as Top Fiverr Freelancer
    Published Paper in International Conference of Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC)
    Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) Stock Market Game, 3rd Place

  • Abhishek Joshi

    Regeneron Student Talent Search Scholar
    International Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), 1st Place

  • Tanvi Kalagara

    TAMS Medical Society, Volunteer Coordinator
    "TMS Shadows", Committee Head
    Writing & recording original music as an influence of my TAMS experiences

  • Sruti Kanyaboyina

    Sports Club, Events Coordinator
    TAMS Medical Society Project Sunshine,Marketing Director 
    UNT Dean's List

  • Elizabeth Kappil

    Dull Roar Voluntering Coordinator
    Pen Pals, Head of Communications
    100+ hours of community service

  • Rayyan Khoja

    Organized Helping Other People Everywhere  donate over $20,000 to Rainforest Trust
     Published research conducted in the lab of Dr. Dixon
    Learning Through Borders Ccommittee, Founder

  • Lucy Kim

    Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholar
    Texas Junior Academy of Science,  Best in Medicine 
    TAMS Research Organization, Host TAMS Fair

  • Ananya Kodali

    National Merit Scholar
    Presidential Scholar Finalist
    TAMS Medical Society, Vice President

  • Anvith Kowtha

    RO Aspire,  Exposition Director
    Undergraduate Research Assistant, 1st and 2nd year
    -Heavy case of Senioritis

  • Shaurya Kumar

    TAMS Robotics, Captain
    NASA JSC Space Settlement Design Challenge, Attendee
    Eureka!, Outreach Coordinator 

  • Felix Law

    National Merit Scholar
    UNT President’s List
     TAMS Chess Club, Volunteer Director

  • Kim Le

    TAMS Academic Society, Executive
    UNT President's List

  • Lela Lemke

    TAMS Ambassadors, Outreach Coordinator 
    Elm Fork Education Center, Volunteering Coordinator
    Will be attending nursing school in the fall

  • Jonathan Li

    I had fun
    The close friendships I developed at TAMS
    The great professors I learned from while at TAMS

  • Kelly Liu

    President of pROfiLE, the visual arts organization
     Awarded a Gold Seal at the State VASE competition 
     Co-author of 6 publications as a member of Dr. Acree's laboratory

  • Frank Lu

    Dull Roar, Trumpet
    Dr. Shi's Research Team

  • Carter Lucas

    2020 U.S. Presidential Scholars Candidate
     Sports Club Soccer Team, Co-Captain
    Backpacked 250 miles and completed the John Muir Trail

  • Chloe MacKenzie

    Naturally, Events Coordinator
    Continued choir throughout middle, high school, and TAMS

  • Pramati Madugula

    National Merit Scholar
    UNT President's List
    TAMS Student Council, Secretary

  • Priya Mahableshwarkar

    TAMS Medical Society, Events Coordinator
    Stethoscope, Editor in Cief
    Started lifting and got a deadlift max of 190 lbs

  • Twice Published Author for the International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA) Journal I have earned two publications in the field of cyber security for research in vulnerability assessment in self-driving cars
    Twice Published Author for the Texas American Vacuum Society (AVS) Journal I have earned two publications in the field of nano chemistry for research in developing a novel morphology of Zinc Oxide that can optimize its antimicrobial framework to act as a preservative against multiple types of bacteria.
    Toshiba ExploraVision Science Fair International Honorable Mention - international level - for the construction of a Synthesis Renewable Energy Plant along my classmates Jehil Mehta and Nikhil Vicas.

  • Krishi Manem

    TAMS Medical Society Treasurer
    Undergraduate Research Assistant in 2 labs
    Completed over 100 hours of community service

  • RonGabriel Maninang

    Sports Club, Business Coordinator
    UNT Intramural Basketball All-Star
    Basketball Team, Co-Captain

  • Shri Mathavan

    Sports Club, Volunteering Coordinator
    Girl’s Basketball, Captain 

  • Mekal Mathew

    True Impact Non-Profit Organization,Founder and President
    UNT Chapter of the Global Medical Brigade, Executive Board
    UNT Chapter of Non-Profit Leadership Student Association, Executive Board

  • Ellie Rose Mattoon

    Ballot Secretary-General TAMS Model United Nations team
    Ignite Volunteering Coordinator
    Coolidge Scholarship Semifinalist

  • 2019 Sigma Xi Student Research Showcase, 1st Place, Environmental Science
    Columbia Junior Science Journal, Research Paper
    American Society for Quality, Special Award

  • Karthik Menon

    Dull Roar, Vice President
    TAMS Basketball, Co-Captain
    TAMS Summer Research Scholar

  • Apsara Mitra

    Smiled my way through the ups and downs of senior year
    Made friendships to last a lifetime
    Rediscovered humanity

  • Smiled my way through the ups and downs of senior year
    Made friendships to last a lifetime
    Rediscovered humanity

  • Aishwarya Mitra

    Recognized by Kevin Brady and Ted Cruz for STEM research
    Invited to showcase robotics at Super Bowl Live! during pre-Super Bowl LI broadcast
    Bernie Sanders Campaign Corp Leader

  • Athulya Nagarajan

    National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Keynote Presentation, Author 2 posters 
    Inaugural 2019 TAMS Science Model UN Conference, Founding Board Member
    UNT President's List

  • Reese Neal

    QuestBridge National College Match Finalist
    Telluride Association Scholar
    Edward Fein Foundation Fellow

  • William Nguyen

    First Generation High School Graduate
    Senior Mentor
    Nationally Ranked High School and Collegiate Powerlifter  

  • Regina Nguyen

    Helping Other People Everywhere (HOPE), Social Coordinator
    Judicial Board Executive
    NASA 2019 High School Aerospace Scholar

  • Mohnish Pai

    TAMS Summer Research Scholar
    3rd Place in Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) Stock Market Game
    UNT President's List Award

  • Michalis Paizanis

    American Invitational Mathematics Examinations, Qualifier
    Science Olympiad, Qualifier
    UNT President's List

  • Alana Park

    Replay, Videography Head
    Texas Visual Arts Scholastic Event Medalist
    National and Southwest Decision Sciences Institute Conferences, Co-Author Research Presentations

  • Ridhi Patil

    Senior Mentor
    UNT President's List
    TAMS Summer Research Scholar

  • Connor Popp

    Voices, President
    UNT President's List
    Future Computer Science Major

  • Rohan Potru

    Made memories in five different states
    Explored Dallas and Fort Worth inside and out
    Created unbreakable bonds and friendships with amazing people

  • Lane Proctor

    Eagle Scout
    NASA High School Aerospace Scholar
    NASA International Space Settlement Design Competition

  • Alexander Qi

    National Merit Finalist
    USA Biology Olympiad, Semifinalist
    UNT President's List

  • Rachel Qian

    2019 TAMS Summer Research Scholarship Recipient
    TAMS Academic Society, Treasurer
    TAMS Robotics Team, Programming Lead

  • Isabella Raicu

    2018 Breast Cancer Symposium, Poster Presentation
    1st American Heritage Girls Troop TX1027 Stars and Stripes Award Recipient 
    Shout!, TAMS Medical SocietyOutreach, and  McConnell Hall Association Decorations, Committee Head

  • Anoushka Ramesh

    Working with HOPE, especially with blood drives and HOPE Auction
    Canfield BHP Full Tuition Scholarship and a Louis M. Pearce, Jr. Scholarship, Presidential Scholarship 
    International Collegiate, DECA, 1st Place

  • Palitha Reddy

    National Center for Women & Information Technology, Honorable Mention
    University of North Texas President's List
    TAMS Ambassadors Executive

  • Ajata Reddy

    TAMS Cybersecurity Association, Vice-President
    Recycling Committee, Head
    TAMS Summer Research Scholar

  • Researcher of the Year Award at the UNT Cyberforensics Lab
    Developed patent with the UNT Cyberforensics Lab to stop credit card fraud.
    Lecture at Collin College on Python Development during summer internship.

  • Tanya Roysam

    JETS, Community Service Co-Director
    Docked Bhangra, Co-Captain
    CPRIT Computational Cancer Research Undergraduate Fellow

  • Samyuktha Saiganesh

    Senior Mentor
    Carnatic concert (July 2019), Solo Performance
    Dr. Chivukula's Biomedical Engineering Research Group

  • Mardhika Santosa

    Scored 7 on 2019 American Invitational Mathematics Examination
    Tarrant County Science Olympiad Regional, Codebusters, 1st Place
     National Merit Finalist

  • Utari Santosa

    National Merit Finalist
    UNT President's List
    TAMS High School Tutoring Committee Head

  • Jessica Sateesh

    International DECA Competition, 2nd Place
    TAMS Summer Research Scholar
    Girl Up, Vice President

  • Andrew Shang

    Senior Mentor
    National Honor Society

  • Akshay Sharma

    Shout, Committee Head
    Habitat for Humanity, Committee Head
    UNT President’s List

  • Aaryan Sharma

    FACES, Events Coordinator 
    Creating independent fundraisers for my graduation

  •  Utkarsh Singh

    TAMS Patel Foundation Biological Research Scholarship Awardee
    3x Publications in well-cited journals
    100+ Hospital/Nursing Home Volunteering Hours 

  • Rikita Singh

    The friendships I have made while at TAMS
    McConnell Hall Association (MHA)

  • Aman Singh

    Vice President of Mu Alpha Theta
    Captain of the TAMS Ultimate Frisbee Team
    Research Assistant at the Human Intelligence and Language Technologies Lab

  • Anthony Song

    Developed a disciplined study and workout habit
    Exploring Carrolton or Dallas almost every weekend for fun with my friends
    I tried every "Sundae of the Month" at Beth Marie's Old Fashioned Icecream.

  • Maansi Srinivasan 

    FACES, President
    2019 bInternational DECA Competition, 2nd Place 
    TAMS Summer Research Scholar

  • Ben Sun

    TAMS Computer Science Organization

    Computer Science Tutoring, Committee Head
    Intellichoice Math Tutoring, Committee Head

  • Satya Suravaram

    Junior Engineering Technical Society Competitions, Director
    TAMS Chess Club, Vice President
    Machine Learning Research Assistant

  • Shreya Tamma

    First Ever Dallas National Period Day Rally, Co-Organizer
    Congresswoman Eddie B. Johnson’s Youth Summit & Diversity Dialogue Scholar
    Undergraduate Research Fellow

  • Allison Tan

    Accepted toTAMS program as a high school freshman
    Published an article in UNT's First Edition of Stethoscope
    Mcconnell Hall Association, Advertising Committee Head

  • Khushi Thakkar

    TAMS Business Organization, Outreach Coordinator 
    Dallas City Council Campaign, Campaign Fellow
    Starbucks, Barista

  • Khyathi Thallapureddy

    International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) 2020 Finalist
    Research Intern at the UT Southwestern STARS Summer Research Program
    MD Anderson King's Foundation Research Program, Summer 2020

  • Victor Thieu

    TAMS Academic Society, Vice President 
    National Merit Finalist
    Methodist Richardson Medical Center Volunteer Scholarship Recipient

  • Amea Thompson

     Profile, Treasurer

  • Alexis Trail

    TAMS Volleyball,  Captain 

  • Andy Trinh

    Presented research at Harvard University at the National Collegiate Research Conference.
    QuestBridge Match Scholar.
    Senior mentor to my C300 wingmates.

  • Hersh Trivedi

    Research Poster and Paper Publications
    President's List Recipient, 3 semesters
    100+ hours of community service

  • Smrithi Upadhyayula

    Published a science fiction novel called  Games of Chance
    2020 Stoll Scholarship winner
    State Champion in Disease Detectives - Science Olympiad

  • Shriya Veluri

    Saptami Foundation Kuchipudi (Indian Classical Dance) Solo National Finalist
    Texas Science and Engineering Fair State Qualifier
    Let Her Learn (Non-Profit Organization) Chief Ambassador 

  • Nikhil Vicas

    Regeneron Science Talent Search Semi-Finalist
    National Science Foundation RES Scholarship
    National Merit Finalist

  • Taylor Vu

    McConnell Hall Association President
    Sexuality and Gender Alliance Executive
    TAMS Medical Society (TMS) Outreach Committee Head

  • Meggie Wang

    Fall 2019 Coffeehouse
    Spring 2019 HOPE Auction
    Getting the new TAMS Culinary Society fridge

  • Connie Wang

    AT&T Inventor's Challenge with Trustle
    Volunteering Committee for Good Samaritan, Founder
    Becoming far more confident at public speaking

  • Shang Wang

    Self-learned ukulele during time of quarantine
    Girl Up North Texas Coalition and TAMS Girl Up, Executive
    New Lives of Asia, Founder and Executive

  • Colby Wilson

    Naturally Environmental Club, Vice President
    NASA Space Settlement Design Competition Participant
    TAMS Alumni Association Scholarship Recipient 

  • Preston Wong

    Eureka! Logistics Coordinator

  • Jessica Wu

    pROfiLE Competitions Director
    Scholastic Art and Writing Awards Gold and Silver Key 
    Science Olympiad State 2nd place Forensics, 3rd Place Experimental Design

  • Helen Xia

    Junior Engineering Technical Society President 
     Facilitating Education Everywhere President 
     Red Cross Director of Relations

  • Connie Xu

    Sending 97 competitors to the international level of DECA
    Daily Awareness Society (DAS) , Founder
    Human Intelligence and Language Technologies (HiLT),Machine Learning and Cognitive Science, Researcher

  • Sophia Xu

    TAMS Red Cross, President
    Science Bowl Team Member
    Dallas Ft. Worth Regional Science Olympiad Competition “Write It Do It” Spirit Award

  • Iris Yang

    Being a TAMS Academic Society Biology Tutor
    Favorite Memory: Late night movie nights with friends 
    Favorite Event: Performing at Aid The Call  

  • Ethan Yang

    Research Assistant in Lab of Dr. Jyoti Shah
    Research Assistant in Lab of Dr. Brian Ayre

  • Kevin Yao

    Awarded 2nd place in National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium in the Physical Sciences Category
    Published a paper in the journal 2D Materials
    Goldwater Scholar

  • Steven Yao

    Rated Best Scidemos Director of the Year
    Published research paper in 2D materials
    2019 Science Bowl Team, Member

  • Elise Yi

    Project Smile, President
    Sycamore Cram Sessions
    Carrolton and Dallas Expeditions 

  • Jennie Yu

    Mcconnell Hall Association,  Marketing Coordinator
    VIBE,  Vice President 
    Distributive Education Clubs of America, Finalist

  • Eric Zhang

    TAMS Computer Science Organization, Treasurer
    Dallas Code Quest Advanced Division, 1st Place

  • Emily Zhou

    UNT President's List/4.0 GPA
    IBB Symposium at Rice University/Research Assistant at Rice University, Presenter
    Fort Worth Science and Engineering Fair, Animal Science, 1st Place

  • Sydney Zhou

    Replay,  Design Head
    TAMS Student Council, Treasurer
    U.S. Presidential Scholars Candidate

  • Christopher Zhou

    2020 Barry M. Goldwater Scholar
    2019 Steve and Kathy Weiner Research Scholarship Recipient
    2018 TAMS Early Summer Research Student 

  • Emily Zhu

    Driving Tomorrow Executive of Outreach 
     President’s Service Award Recipient
    TAMS Academic Society Executive

  • Boe Zienko

    I learned how to live independently and develop a healthy lifestyle.
    I have made many friends who I will continue to cherrish for many years.
    I feel that I have been blessed to get the educational experience I did at TAMS, and I know that it will help me in my future endeavors.