History of parking & transit at UNT

A horse-drawn carriage outside of the Normal Building, the first permanent building on the campus of the Texas Normal College and Teachers Training Institute built in 1891.The University of North Texas started as a teachers’ school in 1890. Transit and parking have always played a role in ensuring our students, faculty, staff and visitors have access to campus.
Prior to 1970, parking and transit services were rolled under the campus security department. In 1970, the university formed a licensed, official police department.
Parking and transit services remained tied to the UNT Police Department until 2015. Our department now operates on its own, handling parking on campus and transportation to and from campus.

Parking history

Parking at the North Texas State College in the 1950s went right to the door of the Administration Building.Parking availability on or near campus has always been important – even during the time of horse-drawn carriages! As the university grew, parking mostly shifted to the perimeter of campus. This helped make way for classrooms, educational support buildings, walkways for students, and more green space.
As our campus community has grown, so has our response to their needs. In 2011, the Highland Street Garage was completed with just under 1,000 spaces. In 2018, the expansion of parking lots near Victory Hall on the south side of campus gave us another 800 spaces. In 2019, following the demolition of the former Fouts Field, a new parking lot brought yet another 1,000 spaces to campus. Our department continues to evaluate parking needs and provide for our students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Transportation history

A UNT van is shown transporting students in 2003. Transportation on campus has a long history of collaboration with the surrounding community. There have been times when the university was in charge of its own transportation vehicles.
In 2003, a Transportation Fee was implemented to raise funds to support buses, staff and service needs for campus routes.
In more recent years, our duties to fiscal responsibility have led us to partner with the Denton County Transportation Authority. A 10-year contract with DCTA was signed in 2018 to ensure safe and reliable transit for our students.


*All images courtesy of the Portal to Texas History - find more image by searching for UNT parking or UNT transportation