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In The Literature
Lutgring JD, Balbuena R, Reese N, et al. Antibiotic susceptibility of NDM-producing Enterobacterales collected in the United States, 2017–2018 [published online ahead of print, 2020 June 15]. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2020;AAC.00499-20. doi:10.1128/AAC.00499-20 Carbapenem resistance due to metallo-ß-lactamases is ...
Assessment and simplification of treatment eligibility among patients with chronic hepatitis B infection in Vietnam
Vinh Vu Hai et al.
Background Treatment eligibility and the accuracy of its simplified criteria have been poorly documented in patients with chronic HBV infection worldwide, especially in low-and-middle-income countries. Methods From a cohort of HBV-infected patients in Vietnam, we assessed the proportion of patients eligible for treatment ...
43-Year-Old Female With Fever and Bullous Skin Lesion
Hiroyuki Suzuki et al.
In June, a previously healthy 43-year-old woman living in Wisconsin was referred to us. Six days prior to referral, she noticed pink papules in her right popliteal fossa. Over the next 1 to 2 days, it evolved into painless vesicles with surrounding faint erythema ( Figure 1 ). The rash was associated with fever up to ...
Adults Are Not Big Children: What Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings Tell Us About Differences in Pediatric and Adult Cerebral Malaria
Chandy C John
Historically, research studies of infections in children have lagged behind those in adults. There are many reasons for this, including the smaller population of children, resulting in smaller numbers for research studies; a reluctance to subject children to the procedures required and the potential harms from new ...
Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Different Courses of Disease in Pediatric and Adult Cerebral Malaria
Praveen K Sahu et al.
Using quantitative magnetic resonance imaging analyses of brain volume and cerebral tissue water diffusion, we demonstrate that children and adults with cerebral malaria have a different disease evolution and show that pronounced, global brain hypoxia is associated with death in adults.

Editor's Choice

Molecular Testing for Acute Respiratory Tract Infections: Clinical and Diagnostic Recommendations From the IDSA’s Diagnostics Committee
Kimberly E Hanson et al.
Molecular assays have revolutionized the diagnosis of acute respiratory tract infections. However, many unanswered questions about the optimal use and cost-effectiveness of these tests remain. Additional prospective diagnostic studies are needed to measure impact on medical decision making and clinical outcomes.
We Need to Address the Health of Children at the Border
Betsy C Herold et al.
( See the Viewpoints by Travassos on pages 2721–3. ) This issue’s article by Travassos [ 1 ] illustrates the complex medical challenges that children who immigrate to the United States with their families and are subsequently held at the southern border for prolonged periods face. The conditions at the border are an ...
A “Natural Death”: The Political Battlefield of Infections and Migrant Children’s Bodies
Mark A Travassos
Recent deaths of migrant children from overwhelming infections in US detainment centers have brought to light outbreaks in these facilities, delays in medical care, and inadequate medical expertise. Advocacy by clinicians and professional societies is critical to resolving this crisis.
Development of Daptomycin Susceptibility Breakpoints for Enterococcus faecium and Revision of the Breakpoints for Other Enterococcal Species by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
Michael J Satlin et al.
Daptomycin is one of the few treatment options for infections caused by enterococci that are resistant to ampicillin and vancomycin, such as vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium . The emergence and clinical significance of daptomycin-resistant enterococci and evolving microbiologic, pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic, ...
The Limitations of the Rheumatogenic Concept for Group A Streptococcus: Systematic Review and Genetic Analysis
Gabrielle de Crombrugghe et al.
Wide genetic distribution of group A streptococcus emm types was associated with acute rheumatic fever. Rheumatogenic motifs were infrequent. Microbiology studies on rheumatic fever pathogenesis should also examine previously called nonrheumatogenic emm types. Vaccine development should aim for broad strain coverage.

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