Motorist assistance

Experiencing an issue? We may be able to help!UNT Transportation Services staff member puts air in a tire.

If you are parked in a UNT parking lot and find yourself out of gas, with a tire that needs air or a dead battery, we can help!

During business hours when the university is open, you can call us at 940-565-3020.

After hours, the UNT Police Department may be able to help. Their non-emergency number is 940-565-3000.

Plan your parking experience

  • Parking in a lot right next to your class or office may not always be possible so we recommend scouting a few different lots that will work for your needs. Lot 20 typically has plenty of parking and you can catch a bus to Union Circle or other parts of campus.
  • Residence Hall move in weekend in August, fall commencement in December and spring commencement in May are our heaviest traffic times. Review our campus parking map for alternate places to park, if needed.
  • All of our parking lots and buildings on campus can be located with Google Maps. Drop a pin where you park your car to get directions back to it. Open up Google Maps, press and hold on the screen to drop a pin at your location.
  • If you are attending an event on campus, check with the event organizer to ensure you have the correct information about where to park. If the event requires you to pay for your own parking, you can purchase a day use permit for Eagle or F/S parking lots or use the ParkMobile app to find a pay-by-the-hour parking lot.


Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have questions. The easiest way to reach us is by email at We are also on Twitter and Facebook.