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Space Management and Planning will contribute to the educational, research, and public service goals of the University by providing comprehensive strategic planning and administration of space assignments and policies.


Space Management and Planning is responsible for managing one of the University's most limited resources – space. The management of space includes planning, tracking, assignment, auditing, analyses, and reporting of current and future needs based on the strategic and research goals of the institution while maintaining proper alignment with the Master Plan. Space Management and Planning is the central governing office of all space on campus.

Strategic Goals

  • To more fully and effectively utilize all University space.
  • To align space assignments to better meet the needs of the University's strategic and research goals. 
  • To co-locate academic units to achieve intellectual synergies and collaboration.
  • To move those units which are dispersed across campus to contiguous spaces.
  • To keep academic programs and functions on the core of campus.
  • To move non-academic units and functions to the periphery of campus.

Core Values

Excellence Integrity Collaboration Leadership
Professional Accountable Communication Innovation
Committed Dependable Coordination Guidance
Comprehensive Honest Teamwork Achievemen

Meredith Butler

Interim Director of Space Management & Planning

Areas of Responsibility:

  • University Space Allocations and Reallocations
  • Building Renovations and New Construction
  • Space Policy Management



Sean Bower

Sr. Administrative Coordinator

Areas of Responsibility:

  • Assistant to the Director
  • Oversight of the website, budget, purchasing, travel, human resources, property control and special projects.
  • Plans special events


Cheryl Benningfield

Space Planning Manager

Areas of Responsibility:

  • FM:Interact Space Management System Administrator and development project management.
  • THECB, state and federal reporting.
  • Management of the university space inventory.



Alaina Poethke

Senior Data Analyst

Areas of Responsibility:

  • Disseminates data related to research grants, funding, and principal investigators as they relate to space.
  • Participates in the planning, coordination, and execution of the annual campus Space Inventory Survey.
  • Conducts regular audits of buildings and departments to verify space inventory data integrity and accuracy.



Data Analyst

Areas of Responsibility:                                                                       

  • Data Compilation
  • Maintenance and updates for the space management system.
  • Research, verification and analyses of space inventory data.

