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System Administration Return to Office Guide

UNT System Community:

UNT World has done an incredible job of adjusting and being nimble during the COVID-19 pandemic – we have not missed a beat while the great majority of our employees have worked remotely. As our campuses prepare for the fall semester, we will begin to open UNT System Administration office facilities and bring much of our workforce back to the physical workplace.

As we prepare for our reopening of the physical workplace, your health and safety remains the top priority. To help ensure everyone has critical information to safely return to the office, we have created the UNT System’s Guide for Returning to the Workplace – this booklet pulls together necessary resources and information for personal safety practices and guidelines for staff. Additionally, we have created online training sessions that will be required to help ensure safety across all of our facilities.

Please note that each UNT System Headquarters team may have different requirements for working in the physical office. Because each Office or Department in UNT System Administration is different, we will not have a singular Return to Office policy. Rather, each department’s Vice Chancellor or Chief Officer will create and manage a work plan specific to your area. Your supervisor will provide specific guidelines as it relates to your role and work location.

This guide is specific to UNT System Administration employees only – faculty and staff from our universities will continue to follow plans and policies specific to their respective campuses that are communicated by the campuses. For campus plans, please click the appropriate link: University of North Texas, University of North Texas Health Science Center, University of North Texas at Dallas.

As we move into the fall, UNT World will continue to face ever-changing conditions related to coronavirus, and we will continue to respond with care and caution – following federal and state guidelines, as well as recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and local health officials. We are committed to remaining flexible and meeting each new challenges head-on, while keeping our students, faculty and staff safe.

Like our member institutions, the UNT System prides itself on being a caring, resilient community – let’s continue to respect and care for one another and show social responsibility in helping keep our community safe. We will get through this, and it will make our system stronger in the future.

Stay healthy and safe,

Lesa Roe signature

Lesa Roe


System Administration Return to Office Booklet

To help ensure UNT System emplyees have critical information to safely return to the office, we have created the UNT System’s Guide for UNT System Administration Employees Return to the Office – this booklet pulls together necessary resources and information for personal safety practices and guidelines for staff.

Guidelines specific to our institutions may be found on the university web sites: University of North Texas, University of North Texas Health Science Center, University of North Texas at Dallas.

Contact Tracing

To help keep our community healthy and safe, UNT System is implementing several protocols to identify people within our community who have been exposed to COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms. All of UNT System’s protocols are in accordance with guidelines provided by the CDC and local health authorities. 

Contact tracing visual example


To ensure UNT System’s community members understand the safety guidelines and expectations for returning to the physical office, the COVID-19 Action Team worked with the Chancellor’s Cabinet to develop a two-part training course specific to UNT System Administration staff members.

The COVID-19 Safety Training for UNT System training modules are available through the UNT World Learning. The training is required of system administration staff, including temporary hourly employees, and should be completed before returning to the physical office. Student employees will be required to take the student version of the training for their respective member institution. For those essential personnel and those who returned to the physical workplace earlier, the training should be completed as soon as possible.

The deadline to complete the first module of this training is August 7, 2020.

UNT System leadership will inform you when the second module is available and its due date.

The first part of the training includes information on the UNT System’s goals during this time, social distancing, personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements, and other important guidelines to help keep our workplace safe. The second module contains guidance on assessing your health each morning for potential COVID-19 symptoms and provides guidance on resources for any employees who may be ill or self-isolated due to potential COVID-19 exposure.

The first module of the COVID-19 Safety Training for UNT System Administration employees is available now through the UNT World Learning.

Important Information

Human Resources FAQ

Find answers to your most common questions.

Personal Safety Practices

Learn about the recommended safety practices are and how to best put those in practice.

Working in an Office Environment

Learn to help keep everyone as safe as possible when working on-site.

Health & Safety Campaign

The UNT System Office of Marketing & Communications is developing an integrated communication campaign to advise employees and visitors about safety measures and expectations. The overall goal of the campaign is to create constant awareness of safety measures and requirements for UNT System employees to stay as safe as possible. A community that is aware of and understands the required guidelines will be able to better abide by the safety precautions established to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

A key component of the campaign will be to provide office facilities with resources to ensure appropriate information and signage to encourage staff members to properly adhere to social distancing requirements, wear face coverings, maintain proper hand-washing, and avoid large public gatherings, etc.

The campaign will:

  • Ensure that all UNT System employees are aware of the health and safety measures we are taking and understand what is expected of them when they are in the physical workplace.
  • Promote health and safety measures to the point that these behaviors become second nature to UNT System employees, allowing them to be as comfortable as possible with the new expectations as our system adopts a “new normal” for life in the physical workplace.
  • Communicate these expectations through messages that also convey caring and concern for the health and well-being of our community while showing the UNT System’s resilience.
  • Help all employees understand that adherence to these health and safety measures is on the honor basis and that everyone needs to do their part.

If you need additional print of your own signage or use of imagery visit, UNT System - COVID-19 Resources. The site includes signage, icons and a digital copy of the UNT System’s Guide for Returning to the Workplace

Important Contact Information & Resources

UNT System leadership recognizes that the COVID-19 situation can be stressful. There are a number of resources available for system administration staff members in need. Individuals are encouraged to reach out for assistance, if needed.

Helpful Phone Numbers

COVID Hotline: 844-366-5892 or

Always call 911 in an emergency

Telecommuting Resources

Working Remotely: A LinkedIn Learning online video course that will help you learn how to work remotely and remain connected to your team and organization

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free, confidential service available to help employees with family, legal or financial issues, substance abuse, or other stressful events. EAP programs are available to retirement-eligible employees, retirees, household members, and dependents. In addition, the EAP has developed resources specific to COVID-19.

Manager’s Toolkit

Managing Virtual Teams: A LinkedIn Learning online video course with tips and strategies to help you successfully manage your remote staff

Guide to Managing Remote Staff: A detailed guide on best practices for keeping a remote team focused, productive and engaged