

Breakingviews - The madness of crowds is bad for the economy

In the early days of the Covid-19 lockdown, a video clip went viral in which a man quipped that he’d choose any other option over sitting at home with his wife and children. It's no joke. Tight home-working quarters and monotonous days are adding to job and other worries as the pandemic drags on. With World Mental Health Day coming on Saturday, it's worth noting that mental illness isn’t just a problem for therapists. It also takes a heavy toll on the global ec

Breakingviews - Guest view: Five ways to hit Europe’s green goals

The European Union’s new pledge to cut carbon emissions 55% by 2030 is not a trivial step. Five years ago, the sort of reduction the European Commission has now advocated was seen as radical. Even at the time of the European Parliament elections last year, only two parties (the Greens and Renew) were asking for this level of ambition. And while a 55% cut is indeed doable, no one should underestimate the extent of the transformation and the investment it require

Breakingviews - Review: Shinzo Abe’s elusive Japanese Dream

In 1883 German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote of a character he called “the last man”. The opposite of his ideal “Ubermensch”, last men are so enervated and addicted to comfort, they lose their ability to dream and their will to compete. To Japanese conservatives, Nietzsche might have been describing Japan during the lost decades that followed the bursting of its financial bubble in the early 1990s: a pacifist, embarrassed, ageing irrelevance overshadow

Breakingviews - Viewsroom: Masks, masks everywhere; Tech breakups

The widespread covering of mouths and noses to stifle Covid-19 has spawned a mini-manufacturing boom, with some downsides, Sharon Lam tells Rob Cox. Yet the economic benefits of mask mandates are plentiful, Lisa Jucca argues from Milan. Plus, Congress targets Big Tech bigly.

Breakingviews - Samsung enjoys Washington gift that keeps giving

Samsung Electronics can have Huawei's cake and eat it too. The South Korean conglomerate expects to deliver a robust third-quarter performance, as U.S. sanctions forced its Chinese customer to stockpile chips. Taking some of its telecommunications equipment and smartphone business will be the real prize.

Breakingviews - Big Tech broadside is bonanza for D.C. lobbyists

A panel of Washington lawmakers is not pulling any punches with its critique of Big Tech. Their 450-page report, released on Tuesday, accuses Amazon.com, Apple, Facebook, and Alphabet unit Google of abusing market power. Possible remedies include breaking up businesses and banning new acquisitions. Any actual reforms will surely be heavily diluted, but lobbyists for the technology giants now know where to counterattack.

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