At least
people have died from coronavirus in the U.S.

At least 0,000,000 cases have been reported.

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The disease caused by the novel coronavirus has killed at least   people in the United States since February.

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Places with highest daily reported cases per capita

7-day rolling average of daily new reported cases per 100,000 residents

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The average daily death toll had declined from more than 2,000 per day in April to a low of 463 per day in early July. But as people began to resume more normal activities, new covid-19 cases soared, and deaths soon followed.

By August the virus was killing an average of more than 1,000 people each day.

Health officials anticipated the rise in deaths because the disease had been accelerating through populous Sun Belt states such as Texas, Florida and California for weeks. In late August and September, the nation’s most severe hot spots sprung up across the Midwest.

"We just have to assume the monster is everywhere,” said Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R).

Localities reported not only a surge in new cases but also large increases in hospitalizations, crowded ICUs, and a jump in the percentage of positive tests.

[Pandemic’s weight falls on Hispanics and Native Americans, as deaths pass 150,000]

New reported cases per day

At least have been reported since Feb. 29.

7-day average

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Data as of ET.

In the past week in the U.S....

No data is available in this period for All U.S.

Criteria for reporting and counting deaths continues to change in some states and cities, and numbers in this story may fluctuate as jurisdictions adjust their procedures. For instance, in mid-April, New York City added more than 3,700 deaths of people who were presumed to have died from covid-19 but were never tested, and New Jersey added more than 1,800 to its tally on June 25.

Health officials, including the country’s top infectious disease expert, Anthony S. Fauci, have said the virus has killed more people than official death tolls indicate.

[Where states are reopening]

Reported cases per 100,000 residents by county since last week

Drag to pan around the map. Pinch to zoom. Double-tap to explore county details. Click on a state to explore county details

[Mapping the spread of the coronavirus worldwide]

The virus continues to kill in New York, where at least   cases have been reported and at least   have died. But the pace there has slowed considerably from the peak weeks in spring.

Meanwhile, the disease seems to flourish wherever people let down their guard.

In addition to large urban centers, beaches and tourist areas, outbreaks have arisen in prisons, factories and other workplaces. As summer progressed, clusters appeared in newly reopened college campuses and high schools.

It has hit Black communities and Hispanic and Native American communities particularly hard.

In the absence of a federal plan, strategies vary by state and even by locality. Alarmed by the astounding increases and stresses on their healthcare systems, governors in several states have paused or reversed their reopening plans.

By late July, more than 30 states required masks in public places and some of the largest national retail chains required them in their stores.

[Tracking known coronavirus cases in D.C., Maryland and Virginia]

Case and death counts by place

PlaceTotal reported cases per 100kNew cases in last 7 days per 100kChange in daily cases in last 7 days

Note: The "new daily cases compared to last week" column uses the seven-day average on the most recent full day of data to calculate the percent change compared to the average a week before. Percentages are shown only for places with 10 or more cases/deaths in the past week.

Most deaths continue to be among people older than 65 and those with underlying health problems. By late June, however, the virus was coursing through a younger, more mobile population. People under 40 tend to become less sick but also unknowingly may pass the disease to others around them.

Researchers have linked the virus to a mysterious and deadly inflammatory syndrome in hundreds of U.S. children, an indication that much is still unknown about the virus and the way it affects different people.

[U.S. coronavirus death toll surpasses 100,000, exposing nation’s vulnerabilities]

Sparsely populated areas don’t have the huge raw numbers of cases or deaths that cities have reported, but some rank among the highest in deaths and cases per capita. People in very rural areas are more likely to die of flu than urbanites and may be more vulnerable to covid-19 as well, according to a Post analysis of CDC data.

Ten counties with highest rates of reported cases

CountyTotal reported cases per 100kNew cases in last 7 days per 100k

[What you need to know about coronavirus]

Testing was slow to begin, and for months far fewer U.S. residents had been tested than experts said was necessary to get a true picture of the virus’s reach. It wasn’t until June that U.S. testing met the World Health Organization’s guidelines and was considered thorough enough to accurately detect emerging hot spots.

Surging cases in July and high caseloads in August overwhelmed testing infrastructure again, and waits for results in some areas were a week or more — too long to be of much use in controlling the spread.

In late June, CDC Director Robert Redfield estimated that, based on antibody tests, the actual number of U.S. residents who have been infected with the coronavirus is likely to be 10 times as high as the number of confirmed cases.

Tests reported per 100,000 residents

Positive tests
Negative tests
StateTests reported per 100kNew tests reported in last 7 days per 100kPercent positive in last 7 days

Note: The total number of tests is calculated as reported negative tests plus reported positive tests. The percent positive is calculated as reported positive tests in the last seven days divided by total reported tests in the last seven days. The last seven days are counted from the most recent date reported.

One indicator that the virus is spreading — and not just that tests are identifying more asymptomatic cases — is that more people are being hospitalized in many places. Healthcare workers are again reporting shortages of personal protective equipment. Some hospitals in hard-hit areas report few or no beds available in their intensive care units.

Reported covid-19 hospitalizations per 100,000 residents

Currently hospitalized
Filled ICU beds

Note: Some states do not report hospitalization or ICU data.

StateCurrently hospitalized for covid per 100kCurrently occupied ICU beds per 100kChange in hosp. from last week

Many states and territories did not publicly report hospitalizations until recently, and four still do not: Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa and the Virgin Islands. More than 20 states do not report the number of patients in ICUs.

[Here are the types of personal protective equipment healthcare workers need]

Design and development by Leslie Shapiro, Youjin Shin and Chris Alcantara. Story by Bonnie Berkowitz. Kevin Schaul, Joe Fox, Brittany Renee Mayes, Jacqueline Dupree, Simon Glenn-Gregg, Erik Reyna, Susan Tyler, Lenny Bronner and Peter Andringa contributed to this report. Editing by Armand Emamdjomeh and Danielle Rindler. Contact the team at

About this story

Data on deaths and cases comes from Post reporting and Johns Hopkins University. Post-reported data, including hospitalizations, is gathered from state sites and from county and city sites for certain jurisdictions. Deaths are recorded on the dates they are announced, not necessarily the dates they occur. All numbers are provisional and may be revised by the jurisdictions.

The seven-day rolling average uses the past seven days of new daily reported cases or deaths to calculate a daily average, starting from the most recent full day of data.

Population data are five-year estimates from the 2018 American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau.

State stay-at-home order data from Post reporting. State-of-emergency declarations were tallied by Boston University's covid-19 U.S. state policy database.

Testing data is from the Covid-19 Tracking Project.

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Recent changes on this page

September 18 Switched to using the confirmed death counts for Bronx, Kings, New York, Queen's, and Richmond counties as reported by New York City, while continuing to use the state's reporting for deaths in all other counties. This has resulted in a one-day spike of 2,732 deaths. Read more about how NYC's methodology differs from NY state's. The Post has been using the city's probable death counts since April.

Given the difference in the methodologies between the state and the city, the Post feels that the city's numbers, which are derived both from positive blood tests and from deaths reported by the city's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, provide a clearer indication of the fatality count than the state's approach, which uses numbers reported by hospitals, nursing homes, and other health care facilities. This means that the city's counting process is more likely to include deaths that occurred outside of care settings.

August 24 Replaced the modeled trend with a more standard 7-day rolling average of new daily cases and deaths.

August 20 Added a module to show the aggregate statistics in the U.S. and each state/territory over the past week.

July 29 Added hospitalization data and other page improvements.

July 2 Replaced the 7-day running average of new cases and deaths with a 14-day modeled trend. Added the week-over-week percentage change to the trends charts, using the modeled trend values. Also added additional columns to the data tables.

June 23 Added charts showing new daily counts in each state, ordered by the percentage increase in cumulative cases over the last week. Changed the default view of the page to confirmed cases per 100k.

June 11 Added an option to view change since last week to the map. The default view of the map is now deaths per 100k in the last seven days.

May 13 Added a line indicating the seven-day rolling average or reported cases and deaths to the national and state by day chart at the top of the page. The deaths total at the top of the page was revised to round the deaths number down to the nearest thousand.

May 6 Included revised data from New York City probable covid-19 deaths that attributes each death to the day it was first reported instead of on April 14.

April 24 The data on the page was revised to include Post-reported numbers. Reported data for New York City is now reported separately by county instead of being aggregated into one New York City total.

April 23 Date when states began reopening added to state charts.

April 21 Charts showing testing data for all U.S. states and territories were added to the page.

April 14 New York City adds nearly 3,700 probable covid-19 deaths to its total.

April 7 Labels showing the date state emergency and stay-at-home orders were declared added to the state charts.