Global Opinions

The poisoning of Alexei Navalny demands an investigation.
If interim President Jeanine Áñez has her way, the election could be postponed again and again.
  • 13 hours ago
False charges that led to Trump’s impeachment are revived at the GOP convention.
Why Moscow might not have to resort to military intervention.
  • 17 hours ago
A series of allegations is undermining the moral legitimacy of the clerical regime.
  • 19 hours ago
A bipartisan approach to countering Beijing is likely to remain elusive.
From the outset, the United States has placed limits on the opposition’s leeway to negotiate with the Maduro regime.
  • 1 day ago
The U.S. should help Iraq’s new prime minister in his push for reform.
New Zealand’s response to the change in its fortunes offers a case study in how a responsible government should react to the pandemic.
  • 1 day ago
O'Toole's selection prevents an already fragile party from collapsing into complete ideological incoherence.
There are good reasons to be skeptical when Morocco's government claims to be defending human rights.
  • 2 days ago
The medical supply industry in India has ramped up production to meet domestic needs and also respond to global needs.
  • 2 days ago
How do conspiracy theories and racism move from the fringe to a political platform? The far-right Alternative for Germany party has found the way.
  • 2 days ago
Mustafa al-Kadhimi wants to fight corruption and recalibrate the U.S. military presence.
A lawsuit seeks to compel compliance with congressional mandates in the Khashoggi case.
The president says he likes democracy. Time to act on it.
The show's desi references made me feel like I was in on the joke.
  • 5 days ago
Spain took a few wrong public policy moves, which contributed to the new wave of infections.
  • 5 days ago
Should Biden win the White House, he and his team will be able to strengthen the best of the Trump's administration's measures and disregard the rest.
Rushing into new elections won't fix Mali's problems.
  • 5 days ago
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Global Opinions Writers
What Washington really needs with Turkey is a policy that addresses both U.S. interests and values.
  • 5 days ago
We can be sure that on Sunday evening, the electoral authorities will announce that Lukashenko has been reelected. But the key thing is what happens next.
  • Aug 7
The Chinese, in a single night, have made India reset its relationship.
  • Jun 22
The record of actual foreign policy success is thin.
  • 1 day ago
Few political contests dramatize the choice facing the nation in November.
  • 15 hours ago
A bipartisan approach to countering Beijing is likely to remain elusive.
  • 1 day ago
The poisoning of Alexei Navalny demands an investigation.
  • 13 hours ago
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