Election 2020: Opinions

  • Opinion

Democrats are in courtrooms across the country trying to strip away voting laws on the books.

  • Ronna McDaniel
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  • 1 hour ago
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  • Opinion

Given what we know, this latest indictment of the president is entirely believable.

  • Opinion

Many of us have been Republicans all our adult lives, but we are convinced Biden’s election is in the national interest.

  • Mark Salter
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  • Opinion

The vice president spoke as though he knew very little about the challenges that Americans are having to deal with every day.

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Rivals have emerged to Mike Pence in the who-can-glorify-Trump-most sweepstakes.

  • Opinion

Trump's treatment of the White House as convention stage set erases the line between governing and politics.

  • Tina Tchen
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  • Opinion

Dr. Lecter really crafted a striking contrast to the other party.

  • Opinion

The president's burden: A spate of violence spurred by White supremacy.

Intelligence officials challenge the president's claims about vote-by-mail.

False charges that led to Trump’s impeachment are revived at the GOP convention.

  • Opinion

I doubted the power of white supremacy on white Americans in 2016. I won’t make that mistake again.

  • Opinion

Five lessons. None learned.

  • Opinion

Rip the media outlets that jumped the gun in characterizing the famous January 2019 Lincoln Memorial clash? Go right ahead. Use it as a rationale for endorsing President Trump? No.

  • Opinion

Few political contests dramatize the choice facing the nation in November.

  • Opinion

The media fails to do justice to the outrageous, illegal conduct.

"We're all being silenced!" they cry on national television.

  • Opinion

It still needs to stick the landing, but the RNC is off to a superb start.

Pam Bondi and others display extraordinary contempt for our political system and institutions.

  • Opinion

No, you don't have to feel guilty about not watching it.

  • Opinion

These convention moments mostly revealed that Trump doesn’t understand that when you’re president, there’s only so far you can go to create your own reality.

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