Be the Greater Good. Join AmeriCorps.


AmeriCorps is your moment to take the path less traveled, to break the status quo, to stop talking about the problem and be the solution. Join AmeriCorps and you can mentor and tutor kids, rebuild a community after disaster, help veterans and work with local communities to alleviate poverty. There are thousands of opportunities to choose from.

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AmeriCorps is a way for Americans of all ages and backgrounds to dedicate their time and skills to get things done. So, how does AmeriCorps get things done? Approximately 75,000 Americans across the country join AmeriCorps programs each year and all of them are tackling different problems in different ways.


Earn Education Award.

Earn Living Allowance.

Gain Professional Skills.


Choose Where You Want to Serve.

Pick Your Organization to Serve With.

Choose Your Focus.


  • Portrait of Jasmine Poole
    Jasmine Poole
    AmeriCorps Member with Limitless Vistas, Inc.

    There was a point in my life when I didn’t know what conservation was. That changed when I joined AmeriCorps. Through AmeriCorps I’ve completed several environmental cleanup and restoration projects, which have opened my eyes and helped me see how all of us affect society and nature. I’m now more conscious and knowledgeable about the materials I use and what I eat.

  • Portrait of Halima Hamud
    Halima Hamud
    VISTA with Northwest Real Estate Capital Corporation in Boise, ID

    I am always on the lookout for new opportunities that would assist me in growing professionally. I am pursuing a political science degree and looking forward to exploring this broad and exciting field. I am currently working as a VISTA with a non-profit that helps lift and support our underrepresented communities. AmeriCorps supports my interests and helps me create a better understanding of the needs of my community. My VISTA service has taught me skills that will stay with me for a lifetime and I appreciate this opportunity every day!

  • Portrait of Paola Flores
    Paola Flores
    AmeriCorps Alum of the San Jose Conservation Corps and Charter School

    AmeriCorps changed my life. Through AmeriCorps I was able to earn my high school diploma, gain great life skills and enroll in college. And, thanks to my AmeriCorps Education Award, I had the money I needed to pay for books and other supplies not covered by financial aid. AmeriCorps has given me the life-changing opportunity to help others, which is just as important as helping myself. I still remember the time when I helped deliver 800 Christmas trees to families throughout the community. It was hard work but it felt good. Knowing that all those families and their children would get to celebrate a more joyous Christmas gave me a warm feeling inside.

  • Portrait of Anita Jones
    Anita Jones
    AmeriCorps VISTA with Northwest Real Estate Capital Corporation in Boise, ID

    As a person dedicated to advancing my future career in public health through an extensive focus in academic studies, a position with AmeriCorps has allowed self-growth and valuable opportunities. My interests in serving the community have inspired an enthusiasm for continuing the path to better serve local communities to a global level for the overall greater good. As a VISTA, I am able utilize my skills to serve underrepresented people while strengthening my knowledge and relationship with my community through teamwork, community involvement and service learning. My current studies and pursuit of higher education in the field of public health reinforces my dedication to serving my community as an integral part of my life.

  • Be the Greater Good - AmeriCorps

  • Be the Greater Good - AmeriCorps NCCC

  • Go Where You're Needed - AmeriCorps VISTA

  • What is AmeriCorps?


What’s it like to serve in AmeriCorps? AmeriCorps members share a day in the life.

Jasmine Walker | AmeriCorps VISTA

Jasmine in classroom with students

Hello! My name is Jasmine Walker, and I’m an AmeriCorps VISTA. Today, I’m facilitating a Scratch lesson to expose young ladies to careers in STEM-related fields. In case you’re wondering, Scratch is a type of interactive programming language.

Stay tuned for more! #dayinthelife #americorpsweek #madeinamericorps

Jasmine Walker at white board that says "Girls change the world!"

Jasmine Walker here, a proud AmeriCorps VISTA. Today is full of empowering young ladies to be all they can in the world of STEM. The girls made a slogan that states:

“I have a voice. What I say matters, How I say it matters, but it must be said!”

#dayinthelife #americorpsweek #madeinamericorps

Jasmine walking outside

I’m Jasmine Walker and this is my 4th AmeriCorps term. As my day comes to an end, I reflect on how this organization has changed me for the better.

AmeriCorps challenged me to not only become the best version of myself, but to find my voice and speak up for others. Thank you for the opportunity to serve my community.

#madeinamericorps #dayinthelife #americorpsweek

Paula Pecorella | AmeriCorps State & National serving with Reading Partners

Paula Pecorella portrait

Good morning! My name is Paula Pecorella and I am a recruitment associate here at @RPBaltimore. Today I’m taking over the @nationalservice instagram to show you what a #DayinTheLife of a service member looks like!

Meet MV, one of our AmeriCorps Site Coordinators here at Reading Partners Baltimore. Reading Partners is a children’s literacy program that brings community volunteers into neighborhood schools to provide one-on-one reading support using a proven, evidence-based curriculum to ensure students are on track to read at grade level by fourth grade.

MV begins her day of service by taking her whiteboard attendance list out into the hallway and greeting all of the kids who pass by the reading center on their way to class. Students are always eager to find out if it's their day for tutoring. “They love coming in here no matter the age, so being ‘on the list’ is a big deal,” MV explained. Students in our program receive tutoring sessions twice weekly, and the smiles on their faces show just how much they love it!


Paula Pecorella reading to young student

It’s Paula again! A bit about Reading Partners: it connects volunteers from local communities with students in neighborhood schools to provide them with one-on-one tutoring and the tools they need to achieve grade level literacy results. Community volunteer tutors are the lifeblood of our organization.

The statistics on elementary reading achievement in Baltimore alone are staggering: results from the spring 2018 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessment indicate that only 14.2 percent of Baltimore City’s third- through fifth-grade students met or exceeded expectations of grade-level reading. However, with the help of volunteer tutors, more than 83 percent of students who are enrolled in our program meet or exceed their literacy goals!

A #DayinTheLife of a site coordinator includes overseeing the tutors and students who come into the reading center, and filling in when tutors can’t make a session. According to MV, this is one of the most fulfilling parts of her service. “I love being able to just focus in on one student and see their growth. It's like looking through a microscope, you get to zoom in on a student and really see how they’re doing.” MV told me. “I’ve worked with students in the past, but to be able to see their growth over a full school year has really taught me to appreciate the process a student needs, as well as the power of relationships. Americorps has given me the opportunity to form bonds and truly become a part of a community at my school with not just students, but teachers, staff, and volunteers.” #DayinTheLife


Paula Pecorella in front of bookshelf

Paula here with some closing thoughts before I sign off. Many families don’t have the resources to keep children’s books in the home. That’s why at Reading Partners we give all of our students books to take home with them after each session. Now they can start building their own in-home library!

AmeriCorps members, like MV, represent nearly 70 percent of Reading Partners’ workforce, serving in critical roles such as site coordinators, regional site coordinators, literacy leads, and volunteer coordinators. Another daily task that MV is responsible for as a site coordinator is arranging and organizing the Take Reading Home Library in a way that is interesting and engaging for students. She regularly rotates the books on display, and tracks each students progress in the books they’re reading.

She says she loves it when a student picks up a book that was one of her favorites as a kid. “It’s fantastic because you get to relive that childhood mystery of wondering what’s going to happen, and then you watch a first grader light up when he figures it out and asks to read it again.” Thanks for following along during this #AmeriCorpsWeek Instagram takeover! Follow @rpbaltimore to learn more about the work we do!


Cory Cummings | AmeriCorps NCCC - FEMA Corps

Cory Cummings with FEMA Corps team members

Good morning! My name is Cory Cummings, and I’ll be taking over the #nationalservice Instagram account today.
I’m the Team Leader of the FEMA Corps team Ocean 1 at the AmeriCorps NCCC Southern Region Campus. Today, Myself along with 172 individuals will be formally inducted into Class 25A FEMA Corps. This induction ceremony signifies the conclusion of our training, and the beginning of our service with FEMA.

The induction ceremony will be taking place from 9:30 to 11:00 central time. You can watch videos of the event that will be posted later at

You’ll be seeing more of me over the course of the day!

#MadeInAmeriCorps #AmeriCorpsWeek
#AmeriCorpsNCCC #dayinthelife #nationalservice

Cory Cummings at podium

Cory here again! The AmeriCorps NCCC-FEMA Corps Class 25A induction ceremony today was an awesome success. I had the amazing opportunity to serve as the emcee for the event! At this ceremony, our entire class formally pledged into AmeriCorps NCCC. Our keynote speakers at the ceremony were Gina Cross,  Acting National Director of AmeriCorps NCCC, and Vincent DuBois, FEMA Corps Section Chief at FEMA. The motivational messages from today’s speakers truly inspired me, and I can’t wait to officially begin the year with my AmeriCorps NCCC-FEMA Corps Team.

You can find the pre-ceremony live stream at the AmeriCorps NCCC Southern Region Facebook Page (link below). Videos and photos of the ceremony will be uploaded on that page over the next few days.

#MadeInAmeriCorps #AmeriCorpsWeek
#AmeriCorpsNCCC #DayInTheLife #NationalService

Cory Cummings with FEMA Corps team on stage.

Good evening - Cory again, here with the final post of my #dayinthelife for #AmeriCorpsWeek.

This celebratory day has only ramped up in excitement since induction. Today, all 20 teams learned their first service project locations! My team and I are looking forward to serving in Massachusetts, and can’t wait to get our travel underway in only two short weeks.

Last year, I served as an AmeriCorps NCCC FEMA Corps Member at this same Southern Region Campus. As I journey forward into my service term as a Team Leader, I always find myself reflecting back to my experiences of last year. Although I didn’t know it at the time, my habit for developing leaders and strengthening communities was definitely #MadeInAmeriCorps.

I can’t wait to lead my team on their first adventure of the year, and find out what they will make for themselves this year and beyond.

Be sure to keep checking this #nationalservice Instagram page tomorrow, for the exciting continuation of AmeriCorps Week!

If you want to follow along with me, Ocean 1, and every other Class 25A FEMA Corps Team throughout this year, visit the Southern Region Facebook page and the team tracker! (Links below)

#MadeInAmeriCorps #AmeriCorpsWeek
#AmeriCorpsNCCC #dayinthelife #nationalservice

Emily Johnson | AmeriCorps NCCC

Emily Johnson holding an axe

Good morning everyone! My name is Emily Johnson and I am a member of team Bayou 3 from NCCC’s Southern Region campus. Today, I will be taking over the #nationalservice instagram to introduce my team, tell you about our service, and to give you a glimpse into #ADayInTheLife of an NCCC member.

Bayou 3 is a specialty team that focuses specifically on disaster relief and wildland firefighting. We were deployed on disaster assignments for our first three rounds after Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael, and now we are in Harrisonburg, Virginia, for our final project to help out the U.S. Forest Service in the George Washington National Forest. I am excited to share more about our project with you all!

#madeinAmeriCorps #AmeriCorpsweek

AmeriCorps NCCC member making fire line

Hey everyone! It’s Emily again, back on after experiencing some glitches on Instagram! Yesterday was Bayou 3’s first burn with the U.S. Forest Service! After packing up our tools and doing our morning safety briefing, we executed a prescribed burn on 146 acres of land. Prescribed burns are essential to the health of forests because they promote new growth of plants and trees. It was so fun to learn how to safely and effectively carry out a burn.

Serving with AmeriCorps has given me work opportunities that I wouldn’t have had anywhere else, and it has allowed me to travel to parts of the country that I would have never visited before. I’ve met some amazing people along the way, and it has really helped me grow as a person!

#madeinAmeriCorps #AmeriCorpsWeek #nationalservice #DayOfTheA

Emily Johnson looking at field of control burn.

It’s Emily again, with one last post before I finish my takeover and sign off! After a long day of being out in the field yesterday, my team and I headed back to our housing to eat dinner together. Today we are planting 15,000 saplings in George Washington National Forest. Looking forward to another #DayInTheLife as an AmeriCorps member!

Thanks for tuning in! It’s been great getting to share our adventures with all of you!

#MadeInAmeriCorps #nationalservice #DayOfTheA

Randy Alghawi | AmeriCorps NCCC

Randy Alghawi working in greenhouse

Good morning everyone! My name is Randy Alghawi and I am the team leader of Delta 53 from the AmeriCorps NCCC Southern Region Campus. I am taking over the #nationalservice instagram for a day to show you a #dayinthelife of a member in service of #americorpsNCCC.

I am now entering my 9th month of my year of service; currently, I am serving in Washington D.C. with a non-profit organization called Washington Parks and People. The mission statement of this project is to promote a healthier, safer, and friendly environment in the communities of ward 7 and 8 in Washington D.C.; by restoring and revitalizing the community parks. Today we will be working with volunteers from the Youth Service Opportunities Program, to remove invasive species at Marvin Gaye Park and plant seeds at the Marvin Gaye Greening Center. I look forward to showing everyone how my project looks throughout the day!

#madeinAmeriCorps #AmeriCorpsweek

Randy Alghawi performing AmeriCorps pledge

It's Randy again! Just finished tilling and seeding the beds within the hoop house at the Marvin Gaye Greening Center, a community garden in ward 7. The crops will be used to help feed the community this spring and summer. Today Delta 53 is joined by two staff members from NCCC headquarters, Gina Cross, the Acting National Director Of AmeriCorps NCCC and Jake Sgambati, the Acting Deputy Director of AmeriCorps NCCC. Pictured above is them swearing in for a day of service with the team!

AmeriCorps NCCC is a program that developed my leadership skills throughout my current service year. I have been able to receive trainings on how to lead a team through the support of the staff. My life after AmeriCorps plans are to apply to become a foreign service officer. An important aspect of becoming a foreign service officer is working with a team and being able to lead that team effectively. My service term has allowed me to progress and grow as a leader and as a team player.

#MadeinAmeriCorps #dayinthelife #Americorpsweek

Randy Alghawi in front of front gate.

Hi it's Randy! We've finished up our day of planting, and I'm signing off! I have had so much fun taking over the #NationalService Instagram account. My NCCC team and I are heading home now for team dinner. After dinner, we will be working on our weekly progress report of our team’s accomplishments. Thank you for checking out my #DayInTheLife. #MadeinAmeriCorps #AmeriCorpsWeek

Erin Ratliff | AmeriCorps VISTA

Erin holding a bag outside of program site.

Hello everyone! My name is Erin, and I’m taking over the #nationalservice Instagram to give you a glimpse into a day in my life as an #americorpsvista.

I am 10 months into my year of service with the City of Boise. I am working on building capacity within neighborhoods by increasing the ease of access to resources. Every day looks a little different but each one brings new opportunities and challenges. Today is going to be a good day. I’m meeting with Human Resources later to discuss one of my projects, the Neighborhood Block Party Trailer: a resource that will eventually bring neighbors together by making community gatherings accessible to all. After months of behind-the-scenes work, I’m excited that this project is making headway.

#dayinthelife #madeinamericorps #americorpsweek

Erin presenting to her team

Just got back from my meeting with HR, and things are looking good for the Neighborhood Block Party Trailer! The trailer will give residents a low-barrier opportunity to foster connections with members of the community. I started this project in June, and it’s been rewarding to see it move past the idea phase. Last year, I did a lot of grunt work, which wasn’t the most fun. At the start, I spent the majority of my time toggling between Google and Excel, and became somewhat of an expert in navigating city websites.

After finishing initial research and a memo, there were no updates for months. I learned quickly that things in government work on their own schedule. Ultimately, the project wasn’t approved until the beginning of this year and since then things have been progressing just as slowly.
Even though everything is still happening on its own time, meetings like the one I had today remind me that progress is still being made. At this pace, my AmeriCorps term will end before residents are able to access this new resource, but at the end of the day I know that I played an essential part in the whole process.

#dayinthelife #madeinamericorps #americorpsweek

Erin serving with her team at her AmeriCorps VISTA program

As I finish my workday, I am reminded of how lucky I am to work on a project that will bring people together. I started my day sharing a meal with my co-workers, something we do frequently to decompress and spend time together. The joy we get from this simple act is immense and it does so much for our small work community. Even though the process is daunting, I am happy that the Neighborhood Block Party is going to provide residents with the same feeling. Building community is so important, and this project will make it easier to. Even if I won’t be here to see it to the end, all the work is still worth it!

#dayinthelife #madeinamericorps #americorpsweek



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AmeriCorps is your moment to take the path less traveled, to break the status quo, to stop talking about the problem and be the solution.

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