Photo of a car’s interior windshield fully wet on the outside driving during a rainstorm.

Severe Weather

Severe weather can happen anytime. Know your risks and plan ahead.
a family practices their disaster plan

Make and Practice Your Plan

Disasters don’t plan ahead. You can. Make an emergency plan today & practice it.

Financial Preparedness

Protect your family by financially preparing before an emergency strikes.
Photo of the top of a parked police car with its sirens on.

Active Shooter

Be informed about what to do during an active shooting. Remember to RUN. HIDE. FIGHT.
Photo of a man lying on the ground having a heart attack, while a woman on her cell phone tries to help him.

Get Involved

Get involved in your community by taking action with FEMA’s citizen responder programming to help your community become prepared.

Last Updated: 08/24/2020