A police driving maneuver used to end chases has killed 30 people since 2016. Many departments refuse to use the tactic because of the risks.

A Post examination found that after a number of production problems, Emergent last year quietly began to recall tens of thousands of Trobigard units from foreign buyers and removed Trobigard from the official product line on its website and in its securities filings.

A Post investigation identifies the barely employed 38-year-old whose anonymous social media hoaxes have riled the far-right and repeatedly duped partisan media outlets.

Eight people suffered severe eye injuries at protests across the country on May 30. In three instances, video evidence undermines official accounts of what happened.

As students return to college amid the coronavirus pandemic, campus health-care centers across the country face their biggest test.

The Post interviewed more than 200 students, parents and health officials and examined thousands of records to assess the landscape of student health services on college campuses.

Resuming classes during the pandemic will challenge the ability of colleges to safeguard and care for students at campus health facilities.

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Stone is first recipient of clemency under Trump who was involved in an investigation that also examined the president’s conduct.

Similar hoaxes in several states have drawn the same type of reaction.

The CDC sidelined an effective Zika test in favor of a more complex one that often failed.

Thousands of deaths may have resulted from people’s fears of seeking care in hospital overwhelmed by the pandemic, experts say.

In states like Oklahoma, with 38 Native American tribes, the deluge of pain pills rivaled hard-hit Appalachia.

Two military helicopters roared over demonstrators in the District, producing winds equivalent to a tropical storm. A Washington Post analysis found how low they flew.

Alleged use of the software comes three days after its maker, NSO, promised to prevent abuse of its technology.

Scientists saw problems during manufacturing, but CDC still shipped kits to state and local labs

A classic ‘not in my backyard’ fight has erupted in the Pacific Northwest over a recovery center for an area hit hard by addiction and overdose deaths.

Emergent BioSolutions is the only maker of multiple drugs the government deems crucial for the Strategic National Stockpile, and the government is the company’s primary customer, accounting for most of its revenue.

In at least 19 cases in the past few weeks, witnesses or police say civilian vehicles were driven through crowds of protesters after the death of George Floyd.

The Washington Post reconstructed who did what to clear protestors from the streets outside the White House on June 1. Watch how it unfolded.

The inconsistent data leads to likely undercounts of the pandemic’s toll.

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