NIAID Accomplishments

NIAID conducts and supports research to better understand, treat, and ultimately prevent infectious and immune-mediated diseases. For more than 60 years, NIAID research has led to new therapies, vaccines, diagnostic tests, and other technologies that have improved the health of millions of people in the United States and abroad. This page highlights notable scientific advances made by NIAID laboratories and NIAID-funded researchers.

Selected NIAID Science News Highlights of 2019

In 2019, research at NIAID and NIAID-funded institutions accelerated progress toward development of a universal flu vaccine, enhanced knowledge of organ transplantation among people with HIV, and provided new tools for studying human prion diseases. Scientists also made advances in treating Ebola, developing gene therapy for a rare immunologic disorder, and understanding the causes of acute flaccid myelitis. In addition, NIAID made strides toward ending the HIV epidemic in the United States and preventing tuberculosis. View the Selected NIAID Science News Highlights of 2019.

Uni Flu Shot

Selected NIAID Science News Highlights of 2018

This slideshow reviews selected science news highlights from 2018. NIAID researchers and NIAID-funded scientists made significant advances in understanding and treating allergic, immunologic, autoimmune and infectious diseases. Other work accelerated progress toward development of novel vaccines. In addition, NIAID issued a strategic plan to reinvigorate research on tuberculosis, the leading infectious cause of death worldwide. View the Selected NIAID Science News Highlights of 2018. 

Scanning electron micrograph of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria


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