
San Jose, CA · September 22-26 · From 8 AM - 6 PM

San Jose, CA · September 22-26

From 8 AM - 6 PM

Oculus Launch Pad is a program designed to support promising VR content creators from diverse backgrounds with hands on training and support, so they can iterate on their unique ideas and bring them to market.

Virtual reality is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing branches of the tech industry, but to reach its full potential, it needs a diverse team of creators. That’s why we started Oculus Launch Pad—a program designed to support promising VR content creators from diverse backgrounds, so they can take their unique ideas and bring them to market.

We kick things off with a two-day bootcamp in California this September, helping up to 100 professionals grow as emerging leaders in the field. Those selected to participate (subject to verification) will receive admission to bootcamp, hardware support, on-site meals, and travel support, as well as admission to Oculus Connect 6. Bootcamp is comprised of hands-on courses with industry leaders, designed to foster and grow your passion for VR development.

After bootcamp, all Launch Pad participants will receive three months of development and VR education support to continue their app development process. They’ll join a growing online community of peers with additional coaching from Oculus experts as they develop their projects into a working prototype. Toward the end of the program, participants will be invited to Oculus Headquarters in Menlo Park, CA to showcase their creations, learn about next steps as they gear up to launch their applications, and apply for additional Oculus Support.

VR is for everyone, and the best way to grow a vibrant content ecosystem with mass appeal is to incorporate the full range of unique perspectives from our development community. We hope to inspire developers that represent our global audience to share their voices with the world. By investing in developers with unique perspectives, we can bring more exciting content to VR fans everywhere. This includes women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ community, and anyone who is willing to share how their perspective adds to the “diversity of thought” in our community.

Program Timeline


Boot Camp



3 Month Live Developer Education



Demo Reveal

JAN - FEB 2020


Grant Winners Announced



Day 1

  • Kickoff & Welcome
  • VR Industry Overview
  • Fireside Chat with Launch Pad Alumni
  • Breakout Session: The Future of Immersive Experiences
  • Storytelling in Immersive Technology
  • Working Session: Building a Concept
  • How to grow your team
  • Mixer, Networking & Demos

Day 2

  • Panel: Building a winning prototype
  • Hardware Overview and Building for 6DoF
  • Working Session : Unity Class
    • Advanced
  • Panel: Accessibility, Health and Empathy
  • Breakout Session: Accessibility and Immersive Content
  • Wrap up & Recap

*some classes are subject to change


After completing the Launch Pad program, developers will be better equipped to bring their skills and expertise to the VR industry. Additionally, participants will be encouraged to return in following years as mentors for the next wave of diverse VR content creators.

Future Launch Pad Alumni

Launch Pad participants will be challenged to make their dreams a reality. Following a two-day onsite boot camp, Oculus will provide feedback and mentorship. While the formal program ends at that time, Oculus will provide ongoing networking opportunities and continues to support members of the Launch Pad community.

Additional Support

Oculus may award competitive scholarships in the amount of $5K – $50K USD ( up to $250K allocated, total) to qualifying candidates that require additional financial support in taking their concepts to the next level.

Application Process

Applications are now closed.

Participants will be selected and notified by August 30.

Travel Support


All participants will receive support to assist in travel expenses such as hotel, flights, and ground transportation.

Judging Criteria


Criteria will be based on three main focuses:

  • Diversity (35%)
  • Technical Ability (35%)
  • Innovation (30%)

Requirement of Submission for Scholarship Funding Consideration

  1. Full attendance at the onsite Oculus Launch Pad Boot Camp
  2. Build must include the following:
    • Submission overview
    • Complete upload of file to the Oculus Store
    • Image assets for project
  3. Submission demo must be a minimum of 30 seconds in length