Greg Abbott
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  1. Enter to win the last spot at my event in Austin on April 2nd with a $5 contribution today!
  3. Sen. Davis continues to shield her own record of defending gender discrimination. Sign if Texans deserve better than this!
  4. Sign your name if you agree that elected officials shouldn’t line their own pockets at the taxpayers’ expense.
  5. Enter to win the last spot at my event in Austin on April 2nd with a $5 contribution today!
  6. Sign your name if you agree that elected officials shouldn’t line their own pockets at the taxpayers’ expense.
  7. President Obama is blaming TX for ObamaCare's failures. No more excuses—sign the petition to demand exemption!
  8. Sign your name if you agree that elected officials shouldn’t line their own pockets at the taxpayers’ expense.
  9. Should elected officials have to disclose if they get paid by any public entity? Vote:
  10. Happy Birthday to my good friend who values freedom and liberty--Chuck Norris!
    Photo: Happy Birthday to my good friend who values freedom and liberty--Chuck Norris!