About Us

Our Mission

CTS consists of two inter-related parts: The Counseling Center and Testing Services. We exist to serve the students and community of UNT in support of the mission of the University. Through our Counseling Center services, we strive to support the academic success and general well-being of UNT students through professional counseling, career counseling, consultation, mental-health screenings, educational programs, and self-help resources as well as a referral services.

We offer to consult with Students, Parents, Faculty and Staff who may be concerned about a UNT student (while still respecting the confidentiality of our clients). With client permission, we often work closely with physicians and psychiatrists, the Career Center, Office of Disability Accommodation, and many other helpful resources in order to provide the best overall care. We value diversity and students can expect to be treated in a respectful and accepting manner.

Testing Services provides a wide range of services including traditional admissions testing, computer-based testing, career testing, and other tests. Please peruse the Counseling and Testing Services site to learn more about the specifics of our services, our privacy policy, how to access each service we offer and how to get the most from them.

If you have additional questions regarding testing, please call (940) 565-2735.

Diversity Statement

Consistent with the University of North Texas policy on diversity, Counseling and Testing Services views diversity as encompassing the intersecting identities that make us unique individuals, including (but not limited to) ethnic/racial identity, nationality, sexual and GLBTQ identity, gender identity and expression, age, religious/spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic status, body shape/size, physical ability status and varying points of view.

In our dedication to the creation of a safe space, you can expect us to be welcoming and affirming. Counseling and Testing Services recognize and acknowledge the impact of stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, power, and privilege, and are committed to creating an environment within our center, and in the campus community, that embraces and celebrates diversity.

We pledge to honor and respect both the similarities and differences in our relationship with you. Collectively as a staff, we commit to diversity competence a life-long learning process. 

If you ever have a concern about our response to diversity or other aspects of our services, please talk to your counselor, or contact the Director, who can be reached by calling or asking at the front desk.

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