We Mean Green Fund Project Proposal Process

Start something green with the We Mean Green Fund! The WMGF provides project funding for the implementation of on-campus projects that increase and encourage environmental sustainability efforts at UNT.

Current UNT students, faculty, and staff can put their environmentally sustainable ideas into action on campus by leading and submitting a project proposal to the We Mean Green Fund Committee.

Project teams are responsible for implementing projects if awarded funding. 

If a project team is led by a UNT student or part-time employee, they must identify a UNT staff or faculty member to serve as a project advisor.

Notably, all project funding is awarded by the student-majority committee, which means the decisions behind this student-funded program are made by students.

If you are interested in proposing and leading an environmental sustainability campus project, please fill out the pre-proposal form by clicking the button below. If you have multiple members on your project team, only one individual needs to submit this form. 

Pre-Proposal Form 

After completing the pre-proposal form, you will be provided with a project proposal template. The completed template is your official proposal to the We Mean Green Fund Committee. Eligible project teams may be asked to deliver a short presentation to the We Mean Green Fund Committee during the spring semester for further consideration. Funding for approved projects is released no earlier than the start of each UNT fiscal year (September).


We Mean Green Fund project proposals should include... 

  • Leadership by UNT students, staff, and/or faculty
  • Direct environmental benefits for the UNT Denton campus
  • Opportunities for student involvement, outreach, and education
  • A feasible budget and timeline
  • Clearly defined, measurable outcomes backed by metrics for assessment
  • Support and prior approvals from appropriate campus individuals and entities
  • Potential for broad application across campus

Please note: Approval and review from academic or operational units of the university may be required for project proposals, especially when new campus practices and procedures are involved or physical changes to the university campus are proposed (including but not limited to construction). Proposals that secure prior review and support from collaborating units are stronger candidates for funding. The WMGF Coordinator and Committee can assist in the process of securing appropriate institutional support if requested in a timely fashion.


Need some 'greenspiration' for a project idea? Check out the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals and get creative to address sustainable development locally! Please note, We Mean Green Fund project proposals must have an environmentally-focused core. 


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