Using Gephi for Data Visualization

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Author: Maristella Feustle Many of us have been doing basic visualizations of quantitative data since elementary school, turning numerical information into charts and graphs. Somewhere along the line, most of us have also encountered Venn diagrams for visualizing conceptual relationships and attributes held in common between entities. But when we think of visualization, quantitative visualizations… Read more »

Feeding AI and Neural Networks with Information

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It seems that artificial intelligence enters more and more into the mainstream every day. Discussions around neural networks and how to best optimize and implement them happen everywhere, especially as the information on how to create them becomes more and more accessible to the public. However, one major issue I do not see being discussed… Read more »

Text Generation by Markov Chains

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Markov chains are definitely one of the more interesting and fun sets of statistics you can play around with. But they are excellent in the case of text generation. So what are Markov chains and how do they work? And how can we use them to make text? Simple Markov Chains Markov chains explain the… Read more »

Creating and Maintaining Accessibility: Microsoft Word, Part 3

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Word Cloud Collage   The next things to continue  our discussion about MS Word accessibility is multimedia, conversions, and Word’s Accessibility Checker. Multimedia elements may or may not be used in any particular documents. However, if they are used you’ll need to consider such things as image alt tags, hyperlink texts, and screen tips. Conversion to HTML or… Read more »

Creating and Maintaining Accessibility: Microsoft Word, Part 2

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Pointer hovering over an accessibility enter key                  This blog post continues the last on Microsoft Word and accessibility. This post will cover Content Element. Content elements such as text effects list formatting assist readers, coloration and contrast are low vision considerations, and there are some formatting tools you’ll want to avoid in the quest… Read more »

Artificial Dreams

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Lately, I’ve been extremely interested in the things that humans can create by collaborating with artificial intelligence. My first exploration of human/AI interaction dove into the works from writers at Botnik studios. These writers used predictive text keyboards to write exceptionally satirical versions of existing novels, recipe books, sitcom scripts, and even “Dear Abby” columns…. Read more »

Tricky Tracery

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Tracery is a grammar construction tool widely used in making complex sentences, and it serves as a major text generation tool for Twitter bots. In this post, we’ll cover: what a context-free grammar is, how to use Tracery as a context-free grammar, show a tool for making Twitter bots with Tracery widely used by Twitter… Read more »

Programmed Comedy

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  A new chapter of Harry Potter has been making rounds in social media circles lately. However, this is Harry Potter like you’ve never experienced. This abridged version of the fifth book in the series was written using a predictive text keyboard, and the results are arguably the funniest thing you’ll ever read. 