Custom Report Options

Run one of our canned reports

Looking for a quick fix? We offer a number of ready to go reports.

Sample Reports

Build your own report

Unique report designer enables you to create the report that works best for your audience.

Each reporting requirement is very unique. Social Report allows you to setup a very specific report by picking and choosing specific sections, including your own cover pages and logo. Once you design the report you can save it and run in on regular automated basis

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Export to Excel

Export and download all data in raw CSV format

This is a great option for custom report building and extra analysis. This also works as a social data archive as you can always download historical data for any of your profiles. Everything that we download on your behalf from your social profiles you can always download.


Schedule Reports in Advance

Schedule reports in advance to run at specific times and intervals.

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Deliver Reports

You can have the reports be delivered via email or directly uploaded to any Google Drive account

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