The World's Most Complete Social Media Management Platform

Social marketers struggle to measure and increase business value from social media, and are under increasing pressure to do so. Social Report is the most complete social media management platform that connects social media to business results. We provide:

  1. A robust data platform that collects and enriches social behavior signals for all channels, including owned, paid, earned, and dark social touchpoints.
  2. Best of breed analysis and reporting tools to quickly measure impact and deliver insights about consumers, content, competitors, and online conversations.
  3. Comprehensive scheduling and posting platform that offers powerful and convenient content distribution.
  4. Automate important tasks across your social media profiles.
  5. Productivity tools: browser plugins and mobile applications.
  6. Managing clients and team workflow

In our training we focus on best practices, time saving features and powerful insights that can be leveraged to determine the most effective social media strategy.

Our training sessions are very informal and highly interactive - we show key platform features, discuss social media strategies, answer questions on how best to manage it all with focus on your business's specific goals and objective.

Social Report is not just a do-it-all social media platform - we are a team of experts that is always here to answer any questions that you may need in managing social media!

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