Imagine if your Facebook account was hacked? If someone accidentally deleted your Twitter account? What if your blog crashed? How would you recover all the work that went into creating your profile? With Social Report - this backup is done for you automatically!

How does it work?

We have to download all of your social data on regular basis - several times a day. Not just your chats and friends, but also many other elements that provide more in-depth information about your network such as employment, education, and interests.

So, here are all your related elements such geography, videos, photos, etc, from all your Social Networks!

We save them on our servers

All of this data is downloaded, neatly stored and subsequently processed to build reports. Reports are great but having this personal warehouse of your social data is amazingly useful. At any point in time you can export all of your data for further analysis, backup and customized reporting

100% Automated

There is absolutely nothing that you have to do to maintain this backup. It is fully automated!
Social Archive is available with all packages that we offer.

Sign Up For A Free 30 Day Trial Now!

Having an archived backup of your social data is a must for anyone utilizing social media! Just like having your emails backed up and available in case you need to go back and find a conversation, or find an attachment you sent, etc, etc. There are many reasons to seriously consider this: legal obligations, archival, creative and intellectual property rights just to name a few!