Open Access Texts

UNT Press is committed to making select publications open access with the consent of our authors. The titles listed below include copublications with the Texas Folklore Society and selected titles from our publishing program approved for open access.

All titles may be found at the UNT Digital Library and The Portal to Texas History (click on link found at the top of each book’s individual web page to access the title online). Each title may be accessed to read free online without registration. All titles may also be purchased in print form or as an ebook in selected formats (see each book’s individual listing).

Our open access titles are published with a Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND. We do not charge fees to the author to make a book open access. These titles were peer reviewed and first published in hardcover and/or paperback. They recouped their publication costs through sales, before being placed into our open access program.

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1941: Texas Goes to War
Edited by James Ward Lee
2001: A Texas Folklore Odyssey
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
And Horns on the Toads
Edited by Mody C. Boatright, Wilson M. Hudson, and Allen Maxwell
An Artist at War: The Journal of John Gaitha Browning John Gaitha Browning
Edited by Oleta Stewart Toliver
Backwoods to Border
Edited by Mody C. Boatright and Donald Day
The Best of Texas Folk and Folklore, 1916-1954
Edited by Mody C. Boatright, Wilson M. Hudson, and Allen Maxwell
A Book Lover in Texas Evelyn Oppenheimer
The Bounty of Texas
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Built in Texas
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Charreada: Mexican Rodeo in Texas Al Rendon
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Coffee in the Gourd
Edited by J. Frank Dobie
Corners of Texas
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Coyote Wisdom
Edited by J. Frank Dobie, Mody C. Boatright, and Harry H. Ransom
Diamond Bessie & The Shepherds
Edited by Wilson M. Hudson
The Family Saga: A Collection of Texas Family Legends
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy, Jerry Bryan Lincecum, and Frances B. Vick
Folk Art in Texas
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Folk Travelers: Ballads, Tales, and Talk
Edited by Mody C. Boatright, Wilson M. Hudson, and Allen Maxwell
The Folklore of Texan Cultures Francis Edward Abernethy
Folklore: In All of Us, In All We Do
Edited by Kenneth L. Untiedt
Follow de Drinkin' Gou'd
Edited by J. Frank Dobie
From Hell to Breakfast
Edited by Mody C. Boatright and Donald Day
Gideon Lincecum's Sword: Civil War Letters from the Texas Home Front
Edited by Jerry Bryan Lincecum, Edward Hake Phillips, and Peggy A. Redshaw
The Golden Log
Edited by Mody C. Boatright, Wilson M. Hudson, and Allen Maxwell
A Good Tale and a Bonnie Tune
Edited by Mody C. Boatright, Wilson M. Hudson, and Allen Maxwell
Happy Hunting Ground
Edited by J. Frank Dobie
Hoein' the Short Rows
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Hunters & Healers: Folklore Types & Topics
Edited by Wilson M. Hudson
In the Line of Duty: Reflections of a Texas Ranger Private Lewis C. Rigler and Judyth W. Rigler
In the Shadow of History
Edited by J. Frank Dobie, Mody C. Boatright, and Harry H. Ransom
Juneteenth Texas: Essays in African-American Folklore
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy, Alan B. Govenar, and Patrick B. Mullen
Legendary Ladies of Texas
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Legends of Texas
Edited by J. Frank Dobie
Madstones and Twisters
Edited by Mody C. Boatright, Wilson M. Hudson, and Allen Maxwell
Mesquite and Willow
Edited by Mody C. Boatright, Wilson M. Hudson, and Allen Maxwell
Mustangs and Cow Horses
Edited by J. Frank Dobie, Mody C. Boatright, and Harry H. Ransom
Paisanos: A Folklore Miscellany
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Rainbow in the Morning
Edited by J. Frank Dobie
The Roots of Latino Urban Agency
Edited by Sharon A. Navarro and Rodolfo Rosales
Round the Levee
Edited by Stith Thompson
The Roy Bedichek Family Letters
Edited by Jane Gracy Bedichek
Singers and Storytellers
Edited by Mody C. Boatright, Wilson M. Hudson, and Allen Maxwell
Singin' Texas Francis Edward Abernethy
The Sky is My Tipi
Edited by Mody C. Boatright
Some Still Do: Essays on Texas Customs
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Sonovagun Stew: A Folklore Miscellany
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Southwestern Lore
Edited by J. Frank Dobie
Edited by J. Frank Dobie
Straight Texas
Edited by J. Frank Dobie
The Sunny Slopes of Long Ago
Edited by Wilson M. Hudson and Allen Maxwell
T for Texas: a State Full of Folklore
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Texas and Southwestern Lore
Edited by J. Frank Dobie
Texas Folk Songs William A. Owens
Texas Toys and Games
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
Texian Stomping Grounds
Edited by J. Frank Dobie, Mody C. Boatright, and Harry H. Ransom
Tire Shrinker to Dragster
Edited by Wilson M. Hudson
Tone the Bell Easy
Edited by J. Frank Dobie
What's Going On? (In Modern Texas Folklore)
Edited by Francis Edward Abernethy
WPA Dallas Guide and History Dallas Unit of the Texas Writers' Project