Image of an orange crockpot

The UNT Libraries Digital Scholarship Committee would like to thank everyone who came out for our “What’s Crocking in Digital Scholarship?” event on Thursday, Nov. 22, 2019. 

We had a nice turnout,  great food, and lots of lively conversations about digital scholarship resources, tools, and services that we offer.  Our slide show featured some of these resources, including materials in our Digital Libraries, projects done by our Portal to Texas History Research Fellows, and publication opportunities, like Unbound: A Journal of Digital Scholarship.

See more in the slideshow below.


We also want to thank Coby Condrey, Megan Gellner, and Meranda Roy for serving as our Judges for the crockpot contest. 

And, of course, we’d especially like to thank all the cooks who worked so hard to help us put on a fun and informative event.  So without further ado, our crockpot contest winners are:

Best Overall Dish (as determined by our official judges): Inez Rice Pudding by the ECL Team

The remaining prizes were awarded based on all attendees judging forms:

Best Entree: Creamy Tomato Carrot Soup (Marcia McIntosh)

Best Side Dish: Tejano Beans (John Martin)

Best Dessert: Snickerdoodle Cookie (Jake Mangum)

Fan Favorite: White Chicken Chili (Sarah Allsup)

Best Theme: “It’s Bean Real, Muchachos!” (John Martin)


Keep an eye out for more information on our Spring 2020 event, “Day of Digital Scholarship,” where we’ll be featuring presentations on ongoing digital scholarship and pedagogy projects at UNT!

Images from “What’s Crocking in Digital Scholarship?”, Fall 2019


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