

Unemployment Claims Spike Again As Covid-19 Spreads And Americans Wait For Federal Relief

Another 853,000 Americans filed new state unemployment claims last week, far more than what economists were expecting.

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Credit Card Regulations Don’t Always Help Consumers

$7 trillion of consumer credit was issued last year & consumers received $50 billion in consumer rewards. Both of these may diminish if the government decides to impose its own rules on credit card security rather than allow the private sector to innovate and modernize its systems.
15 hours ago

The Causes Of Midnight Regulations Are Myriad

Midnight regulations--regulations issued in the waning hours of an administration--often represent attempts by an outgoing administration to extend its reach or hinder its successor, but sometimes they arise because it takes a long time to craft a complicated regulation.
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The Pandemic And Family Life: An Interim Report

As is expected in an election year, surveys about politics tend to capture the lion’s share of media attention. While it is vitally important to understand what happens in the voting booth and why, it is also important to understand what is happening in everyday lives of Americans.