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What if I contract COVID-19?

Potential COVID-19 symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. If you feel like you are developing symptoms, call your doctor. Emergency warning signs include:

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion or inability to respond
  • Bluish lips or face

Blue Cross Blue Shield will not require preauthorization and will not apply members’ copays or deductibles for testing to diagnose COVID-19 when medically necessary and consistent with CDC guidelines. More information

Do not come into work if you test positive for COVID-19.

Follow your health care providors instructions. Notify your immediate supervisor and contact HR at 940-565-2281 and via email at to discuss your medical situation, sick leave, and the return-to-work process.

You must be must be fever- and symptom-free in order to return to work. Contact HR and provide a copy of your health care providers return-to-work approval before returning to work.

What can I use the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for?

FMLA is used for your own or a family member who has a serious health condition, which includes COVID-19.

According to UNT System Administative Policy 03.609 Sick Leave, immediate family is defined as:

  • individuals who reside in the same household and are related by kinship, adoption or marriage
  • foster children certified by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services
  • minor children of the employee, whether or not living in the same household, will be considered immediate family for purposes of sick leave.

You can not use FMLA as part of an effort of avoid contracting COVID-19; please discuss remote working with your supervisor.

How can I apply for FMLA?

The Federal Emergency Family Medical Leave Act will be effective April 1, 2020. To be eligible for the Emergency FML the criteria is based on the following:

  1. Must have worked at least 30 calendar days
  2. Reason for leave is to care for a child whose school/day care is closed due to COVID-19 pandemic or school/day care unavailable due to public health emergency
  3. Not able to work To apply for Emergency FML, go to the FMLASource website at You will be required to register on the site first before applying. Please create and remember your USERID and Password because it’s not in sync with EIS.

To open a new claim use the steps below. If you have any issues opening the new claim from the website, please contact the FMLA team at or FMLASource directly at

Once you’re on the website, navigate to your FMLASource dashboard.

  • Click the "Add New Leave" link.
  • Review your personal information and continue. Make sure that we have your correct primary phone number, mailing address, and email address on file.
  • FMLASource has incorporated Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA), and Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (EFMLEA) as covered leave reasons. Select the appropriate leave reason by answering a few simple questions.
  • Select the frequency of your leave of absence and fill in the appropriate start and end dates.
  • No medical certifications will be required.
  • Finally, review the leave you've just filled out and submit. You can download a PDF copy of the leave request immediately following the submission.

Please keep in mind that this leave is an extension of FMLA. Any time taken under the Emergency FML will reduce your FMLA entitlement. Meaning Emergency FML and FMLA is a combined 12 weeks, not an additional 12 weeks of leave.

What do I need to do if I am out sick from something other than COVID-19?

If you are sick with something other than COVID-19, you must use the same approach as before: notify your supervisor, stay home until you are well, use sick leave and FMLA as appropriate. If you are unable to provide a release to return to work due to limited medical resources, please work with your campus Human Resource Office and your supervisor in order to return to work. 

What can I do if I am affected by school or childcare closures?

Employees can not bring their children into work with them.  Remote work is not a substitute for child care.  However, your supervisor may allow you to remote work provided that your productivity and quality of work is not affected.  If you are unable to work effectively from home, you may use vacation or comp time off. 

As a supervisor, should I allow my employees to remote work?

In situations where work can be performed at home, we recommend supervisors allow remote workings in order to contribute towards efforts to flatten the curve.  Please submit to a list of employee names who will be temporarily remote working. This includes employees who already have a remote working agreement that needs to be increased temporarily.