Center for Learning, Experimentation, Application, and Research

TII Full Course List

Year of Award               and Topic



Participating Faculty

2008 - Engaged Learning

ACCT 2010

Accounting Principles I

Teresa Conover

BIOL 1082

Biology for Educators

Rudi Thompson

BUSI 4940

Business Policy

Derrick D'Souza

COMM 3920

Organizational Communication

Brian Richardson

CSCE 1030

Computer Science

Ryan Garlick

DSCI 3710

Business Statistics

Victor Prybutok & Shailesh Kulkarni

ECON 3550

Intermediate Microtheory

Jeffrey Rous

EDSP 3210

Special Education Programs & Practice

Tandra Tyler-Wood

EENG 2920

Digital Logic Design

Parthasarathy Guturu

ENTW 2700

Technical Writing

Kathryn Raign

FINA 3770


Foster Roden

FREN 2050

Intermediate French

Lawrence Williams

MEEN 1110

Mechanical and Energy Engineering Practice I

Matthew Traum

MUTH 2400

Music Theory III

Paul Dworak

PSCI 1040

American Government I

Kimi King

SMHM 2750

Consumers in the Global Market

Kiseol Yang

SMHM 2800

Foundations of International Travel & Tourism

Zheng Xiang

THEA 1700

Introduction to Theatrical Design

Kenneth Verdugo

Summer 2009 - Multiculturalism

AEAH 4750

Constructing Visual Arts Practices

Nadine Kalin

DSCI 3710

Business Statistical Analysis Using Spreadsheets

Victor Prybutok & Shailesh Kulkarni

EENG 4010

Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering - Control Systems

Parthasarathy Guturu

FINE 4500

International Finance

Michael Carter

FREN 1010

Elementary French

Lawrence Williams

HIST 4245

Gender, Race, and Class Issues in Middle Eastern History

Nancy Stockdale

MUMH 4770

Opera Literature

Deanna Bush

MUTH 5002

Music Theory Practicum - Aural Skills

Laila Kteily O’Sullivan

SMHM 4660

Advanced Merchandising Applications

Sanjukta Pookulangara

SOCI 4700

Global Society

Gabe Ignatow

Spring 2010  - Multiculturalism

AEAH 4750

Constructing Visual Arts Practices

Nadine Kalin

AEAH 5763

Theories of Criticism and Aesthetics

Rina Kundu

COMM 4220

Gender and Communication

Suzanne Enck-Wanzer

ENGL 3920

Survey of Ethnic Literatures

Jaime Javier Rodriguez

GEOG 4250

Climatology     (*Topic: Sustainability)

Kent McGregor

MGMT 4220

Field Study in Entrepreneurship

Manjula Salimath

RTVF 4470

Writing Topics: Documentary Writing

Carol Cornsilk

2010 - Entrepreneurship

ASTU 4150

Metalsmithing and Jewelry Studio

James Thurman

BCIS 5110

Structure of Programming Languages

Melody White

CSCE 4890

iPhone Development

Ryan Garlick

HIST 4260

Contemporary South Asia

Neilesh Bose

HIST 4263

A History of the Modern Middle East

Nancy Stockdale

RECR 4200

Commercial Recreation

Joseph Walker

THEA 3100

Director's Ensemble

Marjorie Hayes

2011 -  Experiential Learning

DFST 3123

Child Development

Judith Bradetich

FREN 1020

Elementary French II

Lawrence Williams

HIST 4262

Soviet History

Olga Velikanova

HIST 5090

Historiography of Stalinism

HIST 4263

Palestinian History

Nancy Stockdale

MDSE 4560

Sustainable Strategies in Merchandising

JiYoung Kim

MUTH 2400

Music Theory III

Paul Dworak

SMHM 3090

Consumer Engagement in Digital Channels

Sanjukta Pookulangara

SPHS 5830

Language Disorders I

Lauren Mathews

SMHM 5010

Home Furnishings

Lynn Brandon

2012  - Globalization

EADP 3045

Disaster Response and Recovery

Sudha Arlikatti

PHIL 3650

Religion and Science

Sarah Fredericks

MGMT 3330

Communicating in Business

Robert Insley

RTVF 3470

Film History to 1945

George Larke-Walsh

GEOG 2180

Geosystems, Environment, and Society

Kent McGregor

JOUR 4240/5150

International Mass Communication

Nikhil Moro


Organic Chemistry

Rob Petros


Visual Merchandising

Sanjukta Pookulangara

COUN 5670

Developmental Strategies and Processes

Lisa Schulz

EDAD 5680

Administration of the K–12 Curriculum

Linda Stromberg

MDSE 3350

Historic and Contemporary Styles of Apparel

Jessica Strubel

HIST 5040

Studies in Modern European History

Olga Velikanova

COMM 3420

Communications and New Technology

Zuoming Wang

CSCE 4010

Engineering Ethics

Xiaohui Yuan

KINE 3500

Motor Development

Tao Zhang

2013 - Sustainability

MDSE 4650/5560

Sustainable Strategies in Merchandising

Kim, Jiyoung

HMGT 4860

Hospitality Business Strategies

Kim, Young Hoon

SMHM 4660/5660

Advanced Merchandising Applications

Pookulangara, Sanjukta

HIST 3450

Islam and its Empires

Stockdale, Nancy

RECR 3050

Programming Recreation and Sporting Events

Walker, Joseph

2014 - Course Design

EDSP 5310

Intro. to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Boesch, Miriam

DFST 4413

Family Life Education

Bradetich, Judi

EPSY 5210

Educational Stats.

Chang, Mei

ANTH 4500

Language & Culture

Collins, Rhonda

HIST 2620

US History since 1865

Cox, Graham

RHAB 3100

Disability & Society

Darensbourg, Brandi

EDAD 6160

Professional Learning Communities

Huffman, Jane

DFST 3423

Family, School, and Community

Jacobson, Arminta

BCIS 5090

Intro. To BCIS

Lohr, Donna

ENGR 3450

Engineering Materials

Mirshams, Reza

SPAN 3110

Intro. To Hispanic Lit.

Muniz, Maria

MUMH 3510

Music History and Lit. Since 1750

Pearson, Robert

INST 4850

US Foreign Policy

Richards, Brent

PSYC 3640

Marital Adjustment

Riggs, Shelley

MDSE 3370

Fashion Theory and Trend Analysis

Strubel, Jessica

BCIS 3610

Basic Info. Systems

White, Melody

EDME 4351

Teaching Math. In Grades 4-8

Young, Jamaal


EDHE 6080

Leadership in the Community College

Bower, Beverly

RHAB 5710

Rehabilitation in a Multicultural Society

Carey, Chandra

EDAD 6110

Advanced Theory & Research in Administration

George, Jefferson

EDSP 3210

Educational Aspects of Exceptional Learners

Izen, Cornelia

RHAB 5740

Rehabilitation Assessment

Sharma, Rachita

HIST 4263

Topics in African-, Asian-, or Latin American History

Stockdale, Nancy