Money Matters Video Series

Financial Education Initiative An AFCPE Funded Educational Resource

An estimated 1 million adults in the United States live with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which occurs once per 88 births. Despite the increased prevalence of autism, there is limited awareness on autism and the transition of individuals with ASDs ages 16-21 into post-secondary education, community living, and employment. The Money Matter$ video project combines the financial literacy training expertise of the University of North Texas Student Money Management Center with the ASD programming expertise of the UNT Kristin Farmer Autism Center.

Project Objectives

  • Develop basic budgeting curriculum for young adults with ASD
  • Create a train-the-trainer video to assist financial literacy practitioners in presenting basic budgeting curriculum to young adults with ASD
  • Provide free access to the video to financial literacy practitioners and trainers, families, schools, and ASD programming specialists as a download from the UNT Student Money Management Center and the Kristin Farmer Autism Center websites

Money Matter$ Videos

The Money Matter$ 3-part video series provides an overview of autism spectrum disorders (Video 1), insights into communication methods and creating an inclusive learning environment (Video 2), and presents a basic budgeting curriculum to assist financial literacy practitioners and educators in strengthening the money management skills of young adults with ASD (Video 3).

Additional Resources

Below are a budget worksheet and a pre- and post-test instrument for practitioners and educators to use during trainings. All users are asked to complete a quality control survey once they have used the training videos to determine whether the videos met their expectations and needs.

  • Budget Builder
  • Financial Action Planner
  • College Costs Planning Guide
  • Pre- Post-Test Survey
  • Satisfaction Survey

In Appreciation

The Money Matter$ video series was underwritten by the AFCPE Mary O’Neill Financial Education Mini-Grant Program. The mission of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education is to provide professional development experiences for financial educators, practitioners and researchers to improve the economic well-being of individuals and families worldwide.

We would also like to thank the National Autistic Society of Great Britain, specifically the student mentor guidelines and resources created by Catriona Mowat, Anna Cooper, and Lee Gilson posted to the society’s website -

We would like to extend special recognition and appreciation to Jonathan Finley for generously supporting this series through the gifts of his video production skills, talents, and creativity. Together we are all working for a better world for people with autism and autism spectrum disorders.

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