The Student Health and Wellness Center (SHWC) does not diagnose Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ ADHD); however, the SHWC does provide medication management for students with ADD/ADHD.

Patients without a prior diagnosis or ADHD

Patients will be referred to the UNT Psychology Clinic at Terrell Hall (940-565-2631) for evaluation.  There is a charge for this testing and there may be a waiting list for testing.  Once the testing results are reviewed, the patient will be scheduled for an initial evaluation appointment at the SHWC.  If the results are not supportive or inconclusive for ADHD, further psychological testing and psychiatric evaluation will be recommended. If the results are suggestive of ADHD, further psychiatric evaluation will be considered if other mental health conditions are present. 

Once all evaluations are completed, and diagnosis of ADHD is diagnostically supported, treatment will be considered.  Treatment may include medication, counseling, or referral to the Office of Disability Access (ODA).  Follow-up appointments will be monthly for the first 3 months and then transition to every other month. Re-evaluation may be required at the provider’s discretion if indicated. 

Patients with a prior diagnosis and treatment for ADHD

Currently diagnosed students must send their records (including any records of psychological testing and medications used for treatment with prescribed dosages) from their prescribing physician before making an appointment. You may fax your records to (940)-369-7042. 

Once the records have been reviewed, the student will be called for an initial evaluation appointment.  If prior medical records and testing are not satisfactory to the reviewing provider, the patient will be referred for additional psychological testing and evaluation (see Patients without a prior diagnosis of ADHD section above).  If medical records and testing are deemed satisfactory, the patient will be seen and treatment will be continued.  Students will be scheduled for appointments every other month.

Prescriptions for medications considered to be controlled substances

Drugs such as Adderall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse are classified as controlled substances and therefore have restrictions on how they can be prescribed.

  • SHWC providers will only prescribe a one month supply of controlled substances at a time and will not postdate prescriptions for controlled substances.
  • Patients who call in a refill request must pick the prescription up in-person and provide a photo ID identifying them as the patient named on the prescription before they will be allowed to take the prescription.
  • Prescriptions for controlled substances must be handwritten and cannot be called in or faxed to a pharmacy.
  • If a prescription is reported to the SHWC as lost or stolen, the prescribing physician will be notified and will handle the incident on an individual basis.
  • A patient may only receive a refill prescription 25 days from the date of last written prescription.

To pick up the prescription, the student must bring their ID to the front desk.  Students must pick up their own prescriptions.

For a list of ADD/ADHD medications available for filling at UNT, please visit our pharmacy.


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