February 2013

Mentoring LogoCall for Mentoring Grants Announced

We are pleased to announce the call for Mentoring Grants designed to support full-time faculty across all ranks.  Funding for the 2013-2014 academic year is available for both individual and team grants.  If you are interested in applying for a grant, please make plans to attend one of the workshops scheduled for March 5th or March 6th.

Don't Miss the Final Promotion and Tenure Workshop for 2012-2013

Whether you are a first year faculty member or an associate professor making plans for promotion, this workshop is for you.  Join Provost Burggren on February 12, 2013 from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm in the Business Leadership Building (Room 170) for the final promotion and tenure workshop of this academic year.  Presentation followed by open Q & A.

Four Simple Strategies for Retaining Students in Your Classes

Did you know that many students are unaware of thier poor academic standing until it is too late to salvage their grade?  Early intervention is a critical component of redirecting students who may be headed down the D, F, W, or I path.  Try these four simple strategies, and see what positive changes might occur in student behavior and performance. 

  • Provide timely feedback that encourages student learning. By the fourth week of the semester, your students should have some sense of their progress.
  • Write something positive on each returned assignment or exam.  This gesture maybe the spark that helps the struggling student persist throughout a difficult semester.
  • Take the initiative to contact and meet with students who are turning in late assignments, scoring low on exams and quizzes, repeatedly missing class, or not taking notes. This interaction could be a phone call, an email, or a face-face meeting in your office.
  • Notify the Early Alert Referral System (EARS) if a student is performing poorly in your class.  This easy-to-use intervention is located on your class roster in your EIS Faculty Center. 

Call for Faculty Awards

Check out the awards that are currently open for nominations.  



Faculty Senate Awards

February 28, 2013

UNT Foundation Awards

April 1, 2013

Ulys and Vera Knight Mentoring Award

April 1, 2013

Citation for Distinguished Service to International Education

March 15, 2013

New Faculty Get Your Game On

All first-year and second-year faculty are invited to join Provost Burggren for a night of fierce competition and lively conversation at the super Pit on February 21, 2013.  The Mean Green tip off at 7:00 p.m. against Florida Atlantic.  Dinner will be served on the concourse at 6:00 p.m.  Sign up today by contacting Joanna Hussey (joanna.hussey@unt.edu). This event is part of the FacultyCONNECT, a cohort-based program that provides our newest teachers and scholars with opportunities to network with colleagues and enjoy the rich diversity of experiences that UNT has to offer.

Academic Leaders Corner

Academic LeadersBuilding, strengthening, and sustaining UNT's administrative leadership is an important part of the work that we do in the Provost Office.  Listed below are some of the exciting events we have planned for both current and future leaders in the coming weeks.

     Leadership Seminar: Building an Inclusive Campus, February 27, 2013
     Ask-a-Leader, March 7, 2013
     Chair Academy, February 19, 2013
     Administrative Internship Announced

Please send your good ideas, comments, and/or suggestions for the March Faculty Newsletter to faculty.success@unt.edu