Behavior Analysis – the study of the effects of the environment on the behavior of individuals – can be applied with any population, from children with autism, to people with developmental disabilities, to students, and employees and is used by service providers, employers, and educators to better understand and improve lives.


A career in Applied Behavior Analysis provides opportunities in a variety of fields, including working with:

  • Children with autism
  • Employees in large corporations or governmental organizations
  • Patients in healthcare institutions
  • People with developmental or intellectual disabilities
  • Students in educational settings

Anywhere there are people, there is the opportunity to use behavior analysis to improve their environment and help them reach their full potential.

Our curriculum focuses on foundational and conceptual knowledge about the science of behavior analysis, behavioral principles, and the behavior-change procedures derived from these principles leading students to flexibly and compassionately apply this knowledge to teach meaningful skills. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of meaningful assessment of environmental context, skills, and problems, and be able to offer rationales for observable and socially valid interventions that are based on experimental proofs of effectiveness and single-subject research. Students will learn culturally responsible decision-making skills and how to behave ethically in the context of a rapidly diversifying practice context. This content will be extended to specific topics such as behavioral practice in autism and evidence-based staff training.


About our programs:


  • All coursework may be completed online, on your time.
    • No scheduled class meetings or exams.
    • Courses are offered around the clock, seven days per week.
    • Instructor support is just an email away!
  • One-year degree completion for full-time students
  • Students with full-time jobs may proceed at a part-time pace of their choosing
  • 5th edition ABAI Verified Course Sequence (VCS)
    • Offered as part of our Master of Arts in Applied Behavior Analysis program
    • Also offered separately as a Graduate Academic Certificate (please see degree requirements for those wishing to test before 2022)
  • All courses are offered every semester and students may begin during any semester
  • Most coursework can be completed on tablets or smartphones, providing a mobile classroom​
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Behavior Analysis Online is not responsible for ensuring that our Master of Arts degree or Graduate Academic Certificate in ABA meet state licensure requirements. Each student is responsible for determining the requirements to practice ABA in the state in which they wish to practice.

“I am very grateful for all the help, guidance, feedback, and even technical assistance.”

“I love the flexibility of this course.”

“Everyone I have come into contact with throughout this program has been extremely helpful.”

“The feedback I received on my assignments was wonderful.”

“The way in which the course is constructed was very beneficial to my learning.”

“I feel like I am getting a very good education through UNT.”

“Thanks for this wonderful learning experience.”

“I appreciated the instructor feedback and willingness to answer questions or help throughout the course.”