Special Collections

stacks of miniature books
Special Collections : (940) 565-2769
Preservation : (940) 565-2343
Collects and preserves rare and unique materials.

Find us in: Willis Library , Fourth Floor

During the Spring 2020 Semester, most departments are working remotely. Phone calls will forward to voice mail in many cases, but you may wish to use email as a primary means of communication.

Due to high demand of services and limited availability, expect delays in processing of requests from some units.

Special Collections is currently offering reduced services.

About Us

The Special Collections department collects and preserves rare and unique materials including rare books, oral histories, university archives, historical manuscripts, maps, microfilm, photographs, art and artifacts. Students, faculty and the public are welcome to access collections and view special exhibits in our Fourth floor Reading Room.

Items from our collections are always on display in special collections. Visit the Reading Room to see our most current exhibit, or visit our digital exhibits on-line.

The Special Collections department is the recipient of a 2014 Council of Library and Information Resources Hidden Collections grant. Find out more about this project on our project blog Discovering the Southwest Metroplex.


Access to Special Collections materials is by appointment only. Contact specialcollections@unt.edu. We continue to provide online reference, licensing requests and requests for reproductions. Please allow additional time for processing.



Morgan Gieringer

Head, Special Collections

(940) 369-8657


Anna Esparza

Metadata Specialist

(940) 565-2769


Perri Hamilton

Assistant to the Archivist

(940) 565-2766


Sam Ivie

Archives Processing Coordinator

(940) 565-2766


Julie Judkins

Assistant Head, Special Collections

(940) 565-2768


Justin Lemons

Lead Preservation Tech

(940) 565-2606


Meagan May

Special Collections Public Services Librarian

(940) 565-2689


Amanda Montgomery

Assistant Processing Archivist

(940) 565-3967


Jaimi Parker

Exhibits Coordinator Librarian

(940) 369-7423


Jodi Rhinehart-Doty

Special Collections Project Manager

(940) 565-2769


Adriance Rhoades

Collections Digitization Assistant

(940) 565-2769


Rachael Zipperer

University Archivist

(940) 565-2766
