Campus Inclusion Climate Survey - UNT Employees

Customized survey tools were created for faculty, staff, and administrators to address their perspectives and respective roles. Results will be disaggregated by division , and data insights will be presented with both strengths and areas for growth.

How is this different from the Gallup and COACHE Surveys?

The Gallup Survey and COACHE survey (Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) are different than a climate survey on inclusion. While these tools measure job satisfaction and employee and faculty engagement, the climate survey will ask questions specifically related to diversity and inclusion, fairness and equity, and support for building capacity towards an intentionally inclusive institution. Much like the Gallup and COACHE, the data will create a baseline for comparison to develop actionable items and work in tandem with other surveys. Faculty survey questions were compared to the COACHE survey to avoid question duplication. The data will be compared with the COACHE survey results to identify additional insights related to faculty engagement.

How will my anonymity be protected?

The climate survey will be distributed by Survey Monkey to your UNT email address. Respondents will be sent the appropriate constituent-specific tool (i.e. faculty, staff, student, or administrator) based upon university data. Respondents should answer the survey based upon their primary role with the university – i.e. if you are a full-time employee but a part-time student, respondents should answer the employee tool.

To qualify for incentives, respondents must complete the survey and then will be directed into a separate Qualtrics survey that will collect their contact information for the purpose of collecting incentives. You must complete the survey in order to qualify for the incentive.

How are “staff” and “administrators” defined?

“Administrators” for the purpose of the climate survey are those whose employee classification are Executive/Administration/Managerial (listed as “Senior Administrator” on the administrator survey) and First/Midlevel Officials and Managers (listed as “Other administrator” on the administrator survey). All other employees will receive to their UNT email either the faculty or staff survey according to their employee classification. Staff are asked to indicate whether they are Administrative Support, Professional Non-Faculty, Service Maintenance/Service Workers, Skilled Crafts, or Technical/Para-Professional. Faculty will identify whether they are tenure-track or non-tenure track.

All employees are encouraged to review UNT’s Human Resources employee classifications before taking the survey to determine their selection by clicking here.

Since you are not being asked for your specific position, your responses will not be attributed to you.

How will I know if I won an incentive?

Once you have completed the survey, have come out of Survey Monkey, and have entered into the Qualtrics tool, you will be asked to provide your UNT contact information (ex. UNT email, phone and employee ID). Incentive eligibility is forfeited if a respondent cannot be reached via email after 3 attempts.

How do the results affect me?

UNT’s first-ever climate survey will provide a division-based “snapshot” of faculty, staff, student, and administrator perspectives. It will also capture perceptions and experiences of diversity, inclusion, harassment, and equity. Demographic questions asked in the survey will provide greater insights regarding student and employee experiences. Themes and trends identified in the survey will result in the creation of focus groups to collect more information.

Staff Spanish Surveys

While UNT was the first-ever Viewfinder survey client requesting its surveys be translated into Spanish, only the staff survey will be available in Spanish because of the unique customization the tool. The Division of Institutional Equity and Diversity will identify bi-lingual volunteers to help Spanish-speaking staff who may have limited computer proficiency (as was provided for the Gallup Survey) to encourage broad participation. Spanish responses will be translated into English and incorporated with the rest of the staff responses.

Stay tuned for more information about how you can help.