Backwoods to Border

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Editor: Mody C. Boatright and Donald Day
Hardcover Price: $29.95

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Hardcover ISBN-13: 9780870740114
Hardcover ISBN-10: 870740113
Physical Description: 6x9. 247 pp.
Series: Publications of the Texas Folklore Society

Backwoods to Border is now available as a free e-book at the UNT Digital Library and The Portal to Texas History.

This Publication of the Texas Folklore Society begins with A Buffalo Hunter and His Song, by Texas folklorist and Society editor J. Frank Dobie. The book is a collection of nineteen Texas folk tales, including Cowboy Dance Calls, Grave Decoration, The Ghost Nun, Ghost Stories from Texas College for Women, Folklore of Texas Plants, Mexican Animal Tales, and Anecdotes About Lawyers.

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