Library Website Design Mockups

Home page

Homepage (default view)

Homepage (collapsing)

Find behavior demo
(Once page is loaded up, click on the "Find" button to see the find feature show and hide itself. The intention of this feature is to provide an easy access to most used search features and quick links at global navigation level, and can be reach quickly from all level of the library website pages)


Search boxes

Tabbed Search Boxes behavior demo

Section levels





Other News Features

News & Events

Locations & Hours

Department & Staff Directory Home (A new way to provide quick access to not only find personnel, but also department/division's home/intruduction page)

Department & Staff Directory (Dropdown option view)

Staff Directory Result (sortable by name, department, division)

Staff Directory Result, by organizational structure

Division Department Library Landing page

Departmental profile home
(Note, for the departments/ units that do not have events&news, the main content area below the "about" could be utlized for staff contact or other content that are more relevent to that department/unit.)