Science Undergraduate Research Presentation Awards | College of Science

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Science Undergraduate Research Presentation Awards

The College of Science is offering up to $250 per student per academic year to support presenting research at academic conferences. All requests for funding are considered and granted on a first-come, first-served basis, so requests should be submitted as far in advance as possible. It is acceptable to submit this application after travel has been completed.


To be eligible for this award, students must be:

  • UNT undergraduates majoring in one of the departments of the College of Science (Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics), and
  • Participating in a research project under the direction of a faculty member of the College of Science.

Students who are not majors of the College of Science are ineligible for this award, even if they are participating in research under the direction of a faculty member of the College of Science.

How to Apply

A two-page form must be completed by the student and faculty advisor. All forms should be brought to Dr. Quintanilla (College of Science Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies) in Hickory Hall 256 or else e-mailed to The Faculty Advisor Statement should be submitted separately. Both pages must be received before any awards can be considered.

Applicants should ask both the faculty advisor and the relevant academic department for support prior to submitting this application. The amount of such support, either awarded or conditionally pledged, should be noted on the application.

On very rare occasions, when a trip will be especially beneficial to UNT, it may be possible to exceed the limit of $250 per student per academic year. Such requests can only be considered if a thorough justification is attached describing how this will substantially advance the research mission of the College of Science. There is no guarantee that additional funds can be provided.


Requests are considered typically considered at the end of each calendar month for as long as funds are available.

Disbursement of Awards

After all travel is completed, the faculty advisor of the recipient must notify the Assistant to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies that the student has presented the research described in the application. If available, a copy of a conference program that includes the student's presentation should be submitted. After this confirmation has been received, the award will be disbursed to the student's UNT account. Under no circumstances will an award be disbursed prior to the presentation of research.

Other Sources of Support

Applicants should be aware of the following UNT programs which also provide support for student travel in support of research. Please visit these websites for program information and relevant application requirements and deadlines.

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