“What’s Crocking in Digital Scholarship?” 2019

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Image of an orange crockpot The UNT Libraries Digital Scholarship Committee would like to thank everyone who came out for our “What’s Crocking in Digital Scholarship?” event on Thursday, Nov. 22, 2019.  We had a nice turnout,  great food, and lots of lively conversations about digital scholarship resources, tools, and services that we offer.  Our slide show featured some of these resources,… Read more »

Day of DS Schedule

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Day of Digital Scholarship Tuesday, April 9, 2019 Willis Library, Room 250H 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. See below for the schedule of events for our upcoming Day of DS!   The day will include presentations on current digital scholarship projects by UNT faculty, students, and staff, an update on our recent digital scholarship survey, lunch bites and… Read more »

International Digital Preservation Day

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Today the University of North Texas Libraries are joining the celebration of International Digital Preservation Day. In addition to the series of events in the Library, we’ll feature a series of posts today about the impact of digital preservation on areas of interest to the DH@UNT team. Digital preservation touches everyone, not just libraries and… Read more »

Reflections on DHSI 2017

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I recently had the opportunity to attend the 2017 Digital Humanities Summer Institute, thanks to the support of a DLF + DHSI Cross-Pollinator Tuition Award and travel funding from the UNT Libraries. This was my first time at DHSI, and my first visit to Victoria, B.C., so I was excited about both. I came into… Read more »

Registration for Digital Frontiers 2017 Now Open!

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  Registration for the Digital Frontiers 2017 Conference (#DF17UNT) is now open! Join us for the largest and longest-running digital humanities conference in Texas, hosted here at the UNT campus on September 21-23, 2017. This year’s theme is Exploring the Edges, Pushing the Boundaries. The conference’s vision is to examine research and projects involving new newly-applied… Read more »

Sommer Browning – Comics as Poetry

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After being on hiatus for a few years, UNT Comic Studies made a grand return in Spring 2017! Now hosted by the UNT Libraries, the Comic Studies Project invited poet, cartoonist, librarian, and author Sommer Browning to speak about Comics as Poetry for a rejuvenating restart to the program. During the webinar, people listened to the… Read more »

Takeaways from “Making the Case for Sustaining Your Digital Library” Workshop at DPLAfest 2017

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This year at The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) Fest 2017 in Chicago, I had the opportunity to attend the Making the Case for Sustaining Your Digital Library Workshop. The workshop was hosted by two employees of the Foundation Center and was sponsored by a grant from the Knight Foundation. The large group of… Read more »


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When I was asked within hours of becoming employed as the Collaborative Programs Graduate Assistant at UNT to work at a Data Rescue event, I had virtually no idea what I would be doing or how I could contribute to something like rescuing data. While familiar with general computer use, hearing “Data Rescue” implied a… Read more »

Call for Poster & Infographic Proposals: Digital Frontiers 2017

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Exploring the Edges, Pushing the Boundaries Call for Poster & Infographic Proposals: Digital Frontiers 2017 September 21-23, 2017 | University of North Texas   Digital Frontiers is an annual conference that explores advances and new research in humanities and cultural memory through the lenses of digital scholarship, technology, and multidisciplinary discourse. The conference recognizes creativity… Read more »