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Payment Functions

Payment Authority

The Payments area is responsible for ensuring that our customers receive payment in a prompt fashion, while following all relevant federal and state laws, and policy. Payments adheres strictly to Government Code 2251, the Prompt Payment Law. Payments are typically made 30 days from the receipt of goods, services, or invoice, whichever is later.

Invoices and Approval to Pay

The purchase order is the binding agreement between the vendor and the UNT System, and provides vendors the appropriate billing address. It also provides the appropriate address for the delivery of goods.

If a vendor sends an invoice directly to the ordering department, please indicate on the face of the invoice the date the goods were received and that it is "OK to pay" and sign your name. Forward immediately to the BSC for prompt handling. When the BSC receives the invoice and is unable to determine if the goods or services were received and/or accepted by the department, we will send an email requesting authorization to pay. This is your opportunity to let us know if there were any problems with the shipment. Did you receive the amount ordered and billed for? Were any of the items damaged? Was anything missing? Are all items working properly? Let us know so that we can be sure to release payment appropriately. If we do not receive a response within three business days, we assume that it is "OK to pay."

After Payment

Payments should be clearly indicated on the COGNOS budget report, but some circumstances could make it difficult to identify. Use the requisition lifecycle on the manage requisitions screen. This can be found by clicking on the small triangle to the left of the requisition number or by choosing the lifecycle from the drop down menu to the right of the requisition. The payment icon is the last in the lifecycle. The icon will be colorized once payment has been made. Clicking on the payments icon opens the payment information page of an EIS voucher. On the top right hand side of this screen is the Payment Reference ID. This is the check/warrant number. Below that is the date of payment, and the date the check was cleared and reconciled, if applicable.

Payments that Require Special Handling

Special handling concerns the way distribution is made and/or that some special consideration is needed concerning the entity to whom payment is being made. Forms that are required to arrange for a special payment should be submitted when a requisition is created and attached electronically within the EIS eProcurement system. Consult the Purchasing Guide for information regarding what is required for type of vendor and/or payment you are requesting.

Check Requests

Check requests are used to create accounting transactions that require a payment to be issued.  They are typically used to issue refunds, payments from a clearing account or reductions of revenue. Check Requests should be submitted electronically with the proper backup documentation attached.

Payment Request Form - Send to

Payments to Foreign Nationals

Payments made to foreign nationals require that a Foreign National Information Form be completed and attached electronically to the requisition.

Foreign Vendors

All requisitions must be submitted in US dollars. To pay a vendor in funds other than US dollars, or if payment is made to a foreign country, arrange for a wire transfer. 

Wire Transfers

Currently wire transfers are only made to International vendors.

UNT, UNT Dallas and UNT System Administration:
Complete a Special Handling Form (and Foreign National Information Form if required) and attach it electronically to the requisition.

UNT Health Science Center:
Indicate in the ePro transmittal that the vendor is to be paid via a wire transfer. If the payment is to be made by a non-P.O., indicate the request for wire transfer on either the requisition form or the check request form. The Business Service Center (BSC) General Accounting Area will process the wire transfer.