Request Process and Expectations

Services provided by Diversity and Inclusion (D&I):

  1. Learning and development consultation to determine specialized training needs
  2. Session materials
  3. Session facilitation program delivery
  4. Session evaluation for departmental use
  5. Follow-up evaluation (for sessions 4 hours or longer) to determine long-term impact and additional learning and development needs
  6. A long-term learning and development program strategy, if needed
  7. A highly informative, thought-provoking and engaging experience

Expectations from department/departmental point of contact:

  1. Training requests should be completed no later than one month before requested training date(s).
  2. Our office suggests flexibility in session schedule, suggested session length, and proposed learning and development topics based upon assessments in learning and development consultation.
  3. Requesters should invite departmental decision-makers (ex. department heads, deans, supervisors, etc.) who will approve the training and any participation advisements to attend the 60 to 90 minute consultation.
  4. Departmental representatives should send announcements, descriptions, and Outlook calendar invitations to participants detailing session dates, times, location and any pre-work needed for session.
  5. Departments should secure minimum number of participants as requested.
  6. Departments should convey expectation that individual participants self-register through UNT’s Learning Management System.
  7. Departments should secure a room reservation (incurring any associated costs) for your session, which includes A/V and internet access. Room specifications should be determined in the learning and development consultation.
  8. Departments should provide refreshments if requested by participants (breakfast and/or lunch must be provided for sessions longer than 4 hours).

Expectations from participants:

Full and active participation, and regular attendance (if a series).

  • Self-registration through UNT’s Learning Management System.
  • All assigned pre-work should completed for session attendance.
  • Must arrive to session no later than 15 minutes after start time and stay for duration of session.

For learning and development series:

  • Attend each module in proposed order.
  • Remain in assigned group.
  • Adhere to principles of engagement