Alert Information

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Message for students from the Dean, College of Information

Dear student,

By now, you should have received President Smatresk's message regarding how your courses will be delivered from next week. Please note that already fully online students will maintain the same instruction.

Advisors are available to help you for phone and virtual advising appointments through Zoom. Appointments can be scheduled at:

If a full appointment is not necessary, advising questions can be e-mailed to: Please include your 8 digit student ID in your e-mail and the program you are pursuing.  Any college specific information or announcements will be sent to your UNT student e-mail, so please check this account regularly.

We look forward to continuing to support you!

With regards,

Dr. Kinshuk  
Dean - College of Information

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Questions and Answers

This information relates to changes being made beginning immediately on Tuesday, March 17 and have occurred with the leadership of the UNT Provost, the College of Information, its deans, faculty and staff.

NOTE: This page reflects the most current and approved information related to activities of the College of Information. The information addresses processes and expectations to College of Information students, faculty and staff as a one stop source of reliable information.

For communication updates concerning the wider UNT campus, visit

What IS being cancelled as of Tuesday, March 17? These changes begin immediately.

  1. ALL events of the College of Information are postponed or cancelled for the balance of the Spring 2020 semester.

What is NOT being cancelled as of Tuesday, March 17?

Discovery Series: Pam Dukes and Richard Wolf, whose lectures will be offered via online Zoom*.

* Zoom is UNT’s preferred video conferencing platform. 

In ALL instances, social distancing should be observed.
**Social distancing
 - Close contact is defined as: a) being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of a COVID-19 case for a prolonged period of time; close contact can occur while caring for, living with, visiting, or sharing a healthcare waiting area or room with a COVID-19 case -

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Official statement from University of North Texas President Neal Smatresk


Corona Virus Updates from the University of North Texas