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COVID-19 Working Conditions

As we continue to understand the issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important that we share information with our faculty and staff regarding working remotely, paid leave, emergency leave and safe working conditions for those we have identified as necessary for on-site campus operations. To that end, we ask all that all UNT System institutions follow the guidance below from UNT System Human Resources for our employees. We will continue to assess the situation and determine what further actions need to be taken to ensure we are taking the best action for our employees.

Telework and on-site campus operations work requirements will focus on employee health first through following CDC guidelines. Telework and on-site campus operations work requirements will be determined by:

  • The Supervisor and Vice Chancellor for System Administration;
  • The Supervisor and Vice President for our Campuses.
EMPLOYEE RIGHTS: Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

New Federal Leave Options Available April 1, 2020

Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA):

1) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act

This leave is available to employees who have been employed by UNT World for at least 30 days. Full-time employees are entitled to 80 hours of paid sick time, part-time employees hours will be prorated based on FTE. You may qualify for this leave if you experience one of the following:

  • governmental quarantine or isolation order (the lesser of 100% pay or $511 per day, and $5,110 in aggregate),
  • advised by a health-care provider to self-quarantine (the lesser of 100% pay or $511 per day, and $5,110 in aggregate),
  • caring for an individual who is subject to governmental or self-quarantine the lesser of two-thirds (2/3) salary or $200 per day, and $2,000 in aggregate),
  • caring for the employee's child because the child's school or child-care provider is closed, (the lesser of $200 per day, and $2,000 in aggregate), or
  • experiencing a substantially similar circumstance related to COVID-19 as specified by the Department of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Department of Labor.
2) Emergency Family and Medical Leave Extension

This leave provides up to 12 weeks leave for an employee who cannot work because the school or child-care provider of that employee's child is closed as a result of a public-health emergency. The first 10 days are unpaid, the remaining 10 weeks is paid at two-thirds (2/3) of regular pay for the number of hours per week the employee normally works. The maximum amount of pay is $200 per day and $10,000 in aggregate.


Please note: Documentation must be maintained by the department for any employee using Emergency Paid Sick Leave. Those choosing to use Expanded Family and Medical Leave will apply through FMLA Source and required documentation will be maintained by Human Resources.

Additional note: The Payroll team in conjunction with Human Resources and ITSS is currently working on developing the eLeave and time reporting codes needed to report time on the timesheet or leave through eLeave.

For questions regarding these new options contact

Benefit Eligible Employees (Regular FT/PT staff)

  • Employees should be assigned to work remotely if at all possible;
  • Employees identified as necessary for on-site campus operations should engage in proper social distancing and follow CDC guidelines and staggered shifts should be scheduled if possible;
  • If an employee is unable to work remote and they are not identified as necessary for sustained on-site campus operations onsite then the employee may:
    1. Be assigned alternative duties by unit;
    2. Be reassigned to assist in other duties and areas of campus with appropriate social distancing in place.
  • Employees who are unable to meet any of the above will be placed on emergency leave until May 31, 2020 at which time we will reassess the situation.

Non-Student Hourly Employees (Non-benefit Eligible)

  • Employees should be assigned to work remotely if at all possible;
  • Employees identified as necessary for on-site campus operations should engage in proper social distancing and follow CDC guidelines and staggered shifts should be scheduled if possible;
  • If an employee is unable to work remote and they are not identified as necessary for sustained on-site campus operations onsite then the employee may:
    1. Be assigned alternative duties by unit;
    2. Be reassigned to assist in other duties and areas of campus with appropriate social distancing in place.
  • Employees who are unable to meet any of the above will be placed on emergency leave until April 3, 2020 at which time we will reassess the situation.

Student Employees

  • All student employees should contact the student employment offices on their respective campuses to learn about work options. 

Families First Coronavirus Response Act

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act amended the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and provided for emergency sick leave coverage during this pandemic. Employees may qualify for paid FMLA and emergency sick leave depending on individual circumstances. To determine if you qualify please check the scenarios below and go to for more information.

How to Apply for FMLA

Scenarios Related to Leave Options in Response to COVID-19

Work in Progress - Created 3/20/2020, Revised 3/31/2020 10:00 am

The following scenarios are only valid for employees who are not working remotely. Any time working remotely is considered "Hours Worked" thus, no leave is needed.

  • State Emergency Leave: Refers to the university emergency leave provisions designated for UNT World by the Chancellor Roe and the campus Presidents as authorized by the State of Texas.
  • Federal Emergency Sick Leave: Refers to the emergency paid sick leave authorized by the Family First Coronavirus Response Act signed by President Trump on March 18, 2020.
  • Federal Emergency FML: Refers to the emergency family and medical leave authorized by the Family First Coronavirus Response Act signed by President Trump on March 18, 2020 . 

NOTE: For the new leave benefits, Time Reporting Codes/Leave Codes and their associated instructions are in the process of being created and will be shared with the UNT World community when completed.  

For questions regarding this information, please contact your Campus Human Resources Team/Campus HR Representative.

Please click here for a PDF version of leave scenarios.

Scenario 1

Employee quarantined by UNT World but has not tested positive or is not displaying symptoms (e.g. travel, came in contact with someone who tested positive)
  Family Medical Leave (FML) Sick Leave Vacation Comp Time University Emergency Leave Federal Emergency Sick Leave * Federal Emergency FML
Staff Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Part Time Staff Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
UNT/UNTD Faculty Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
HSC Faculty Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Graduate Student Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Student Hourly Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Non-Student Hourly Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Percent of Pay         100% 100%  
Maximum           $511/day ($5,110 Total); 80 hours max (prorated for part-
time employees)

*Annual full-time rate = $132,860 - anything in excess is less than 100%

Scenario 2

Employee has tested positive, is displaying symptoms or has been advised by health provider to self-isolate
  Family Medical Leave (FML) Sick Leave Vacation Comp Time University Emergency Leave Federal Emergency Sick Leave* Federal Emergency FML
Staff Yes eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Part Time Staff Yes eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
UNT/UNTD Faculty Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
HSC Faculty Yes eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Graduate Student Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Student Hourly Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Non-Student Hourly Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Percent of Pay   100% 100% 100%   100%  
Maximum 12 weeks Balance of accruals Balance of accruals Balance of accruals   $511/day ($5,110 Total); 80 hours max (prorated for part-time employees  

*Annual full-time rate = $132,860 - anything in excess is less than 100%

Scenario 3

Caring for others who have tested positive or are displaying symptoms (with no exposure to the employee)
  Family Medical Leave (FML)* Sick Leave** Vacation Comp Time University Emergency Leave Federal Emergency Sick Leave*** Federal Emergency FML
Staff Yes eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Part Time Staff Yes eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
UNT/UNTD Faculty Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
HSC Faculty Yes eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Grad Student Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Student Hourly Yes eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Non-Student Hourly Yes eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible
Percent of Pay   100% 100% 100%   100%  
Maximum 12 weeks Balance of accruals Balance of accruals Balance of accruals   $200/day ($2,000 Total); 80 hours max (prorated for part- time employees)  

*Caring Child, Parent, or Spouse only

**Caring for an immediate family who reside in the same household, related by kinship, adoption, marriage, or fostered. Minor children of the employee, whether or not living in the same household, family members not residing in household is strictly limited to the time necessary to provide care and assistance to a spouse, child or parent of the employee who needs such care and assistance as direct result of a documented medical condition.

***Allowed to care for someone (not necessarily a family member or household member) who is quarantined. Annual full-time rate is $77,612 -- anything in excess is less than 100%

Scenario 4

Not allowed to work onsite, telecommuting unavailable
  Family Medical Leave (FML) Sick Leave Vacation Comp Time University Emergency Leave Federal Emergency Sick Leave Federal Emergency FML
Staff Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Not eligible
Part Time Staff Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Not eligible
UNT/UNTD Faculty Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Not eligible
HSC Faculty Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Not eligible
Graduate Student Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible
Student Hourly Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible
Non- Student Hourly Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes, until 4/3/20 Not eligible Not eligible
Percent of Pay         100%    

Scenario 5

No Daycare/No School
  Family Medical Leave (FML) Sick Leave Vacation Comp Time University Emergency Leave Federal Emergency Sick Leave* Federal Emergency FML**
Staff Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible
Part Time Staff Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible
UNT/UNTD Faculty Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible
HSC Faculty Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible
Grad Student Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible
Student Hourly Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible
Non-Student Hourly Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Yes eligible Yes eligible
Percent of Pay     100% 100%   100% 66.67%
Maximum 12 weeks   Balance of accruals Balance of accruals   $200/day ($2,000 Total); 80 hours max (prorated for part- time employees) Max 12 weeks job-protected leave; 2 weeks unpaid; 10 weeks max @ $200/day or
$10,000 Total

*Annual full-time rate = $132,860 - anything in excess is not at 100%

**Must be employed for 30 days; Annual full-time rate is $77,612 -- anything in excess is less than 66.67%