Tech Tour #7: Wireless Connections

student tech tour stop 7


Stop #7:  Here you will learn about the Wireless Networks on campus


Wireless Networks on Campus

Below is a brief overview of the networks you might see when trying to connect. For more info or assistance visit the Help Desk wireless page.
NOTE: Students may not connect their own wireless network-serving devices to the University of North Texas and Resnet networks. Read more about the UNT Network Connection Policy.

1. UNT network:  Secure (802.1x authentication and AES encryption) and preferred. The UNT network provides access to campus academic resources and the Internet. It provides a secure connection in academic and service buildings and general areas at all UNT locations and will work once configured on your device. This one is recommended to use.

2. Eaglenet: An open, unsecured network in all academic and service buildings and general areas, but not recommended.

eduroam logo3. EduRoam: Education Roaming, also called EduRoam, is secure with 802.1x authentication and AES encryption. On UNT'S campus, this network is for visiting students, researchers, faculty, and staff with their credentials from their respective institutions worldwide.  FYI: Students, staff and faculty can use their UNT credentials at other universities and educational sites on an Eduroam network.

4. ResNet:  ResNet is a wireless network available only at the UNT residence halls. ResNet is provided by Apogee, a provider of on-campus residential networks in higher education. (See More Below)



ResNet: the Wireless Network for Residence Halls

If you do not reside in a UNT Residence Hall, you may wish to proceed to Stop #8: Copyright, IT and You.

Here you will learn about how to sign up for wireless connectivity in the UNT Residence Halls. Connectivity in the residence halls is provided for residents' convenience, where small student computer labs also are provided. All housing areas feature wireless and wired-networking in the individual rooms.

Background: The University of North Texas has partnered with Apogee, an Austin-based provider of on-campus residential networks in higher education, in order to provide residential network service. All residence halls have fast, reliable Internet connectivity and 24/7 customer support through Apogee's service called MyResNet.

Apogee also provides UNT students, who live on campus in the residence halls, high-speed access to the university’s networked services. Access to services outside the campus network through the Internet are provided at 2 Mbps, megabits per second, download. Each student has the option to upgrade to faster speeds through the MyResNet website for an upgrade fee.

Sign Up: Obtain your Apogee account through the MyResNet portal:

  • Click on the “Sign Up" button on the web page and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Upon completion of the sign-up process, you will be assigned an Apogee username and password.

NOTE: Keep your username and password information confidential, secure and do not share it with anyone.

For Apogee's MyResNet Assistance or Support: Representatives are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

Some restrictions do apply to the service in order to maximize the efficiency of this community resource. Routers, access points and other devices can interfere with network equipment and are not allowed on ResNet. 

Understand Two Important Policies

Apogee Policy: Students who obtain an Apogee/MyResNet account must abide by Apogee’s policies as well as UNT's Computer-Use Policy. You can view Apogee’s end-user agreement online.

UNT Policy: UNT's Computer-Use Policy online.

Help Desk Contact Information

Call:  940-565-2324   |  Email:   Online: Help Desk Home Page  |  Come by:  Sage Hall, Room 330

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