Student Government Association

2019-2020 Student Government Association

Student Government Association is the official voice of the student body. As an organization, we are here to make the student voice heard. With the combined effort of the students, administration, and our Executive Board, we work to vocalize the concerns of the students in our university community. As the official representation of the student body, we work constantly to improve the collegiate experience.

Students who get involved with SGA they are given opportunities to develop leadership skills that will help them in the coming years. You should always feel welcome to hang out in the SGA Office located in the Student Center, Room 2101.  If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please email them to  

This year's members include:

Executive Board


Karyzma Torres 
Major: Political Science 
Class: Junior 

A Dallas native, Karyzma couldn’t be more proud to be at the the only public, accredited 4-year university in the City of Dallas. This is Karyzma’s third year at UNT Dallas and has lived on campus for all three years and projects to graduate in Spring of 2021. Karyzma majoring in Political Science, and plan to attend law school after receiving her Bachelors Degree. The Student Government Association plays a strong part in her life as she learns and prepares to take on the field of legal field. Karyzma’s goal in this association is to successfully tend to students' needs and contribute to the surrounding community, while building bonds within the organization, university, and community! She credits her interest in civic engagement and leadership to her greatest public role model, Michelle Obama.

Vice President

Jasmine Ogburn-Smith 
Major: Psychology and Biology Minor 
Class: Senior 

Jasmine was born in Garland and raised in rural Texas. She has a passionate interest in personal growth and self improvement, and these values extend to her beloved educational community. Her professional goals include a PHD in Clinical Psychology. Ultimately, she would like to treat those with mental illnesses and find ways to keep these vulnerable individuals safe and off of the streets. Her purpose of compassion, empowerment, honesty, and growth is in line with our blossoming university. She considers it an honor to document the progress of an organization that will surely make historic and meaningful changes within UNT at Dallas, and our local community as a whole.

Speaker of the Senate &
Senator for Liberal Arts & Sciences

Alexandra Renteria 
Major: Political Science 
Class: Junior 

As a first- generation college student, Alexandra finds her passion connecting to other students facing the same setbacks as herself in their academic careers and personal lives. Having previously served on the SGA board at her previous community college, Alexandra hopes to continue her involvement within the SGA organization to increase the open dialogue between the student body and the senate by voicing student concerns and initiatives. Outside of UNT Dallas, Alexandra loves to spend time with her two dogs and loved ones. She aspires to attend law school after completing her bachelor’s Arts in Political Science at UNT Dallas in 2021.


Desmond Burton 
Major: Psychology 
Class: Junior 

Desmond is a retired noncommissioned officer from the United States Army. He is currently studying to be a psychologist, in hopes of being able to reach back to the Veteran community and be the Psychologist they deserve. In his spare time, Desmond enjoys playing with his dog, being on campus, playing video games, etc. His projected graduation date is 2021 and his future plan is to attend graduate school for psychology. If he had the opportunity to change the city one thing he would do is get multiple large plots of land and build fully functioning tiny houses for the homeless. He would have picket fencing with someone at the entrance logging who comes and goes, with the hopes of showing that they are trying to improve their situation. “Vets would have first dibs.”

Public Relations Officer

Yarick Molina 
Major: Human Services Management & Leadership 
Class: Senior 

After a long day at work, Yarik makes his way through rush hour traffic to campus every night. A first-generation immigrant and college student, he makes this drive with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to work towards his dream of becoming an immigration lawyer. He credits his years in church ministry as a time where he learned about servanthood and compassion for those in need. Through those years, his heart for people and a desire to see others reach their potential grew more and more, and is why he is excited to be part of SGA at UNT Dallas. With work, school, SGA, and interning, Yarik still manages to find time for his love for Crossfit. He is completing his Bachelors of Science in Human Services Management and Leadership and will continue on to UNT Dallas College of Law in the Fall 2020.

Melawn Dineen, Finance Officer 
Major: Master of Public Leadership 
Class: December 2020 Graduate 

Melawn is motivated, passionate, and cares for her fellow students and community with her whole heart. When volunteers are needed at various events to include her newest role as a PTA Board member for her son’s elementary, she rises to the occasion. With her military background as a U.S. Marine, she continues her service to local, national, and international mission trips. Her most recent trip was to Ghana, Africa with The Water Bucket ministry where she assisted in bringing clean water filters and medicine to villages with water poverty. Here at UNT Dallas she serves as the Vice-President of Student Veterans of America, Student Government Association Graduate Senator, and as a Fellow for the Urban SERCH Institute of Dallas. Her life’s mission is “For the Love of Community”.


Dominic Bechler, Records Officer 
Major: General Business 
Class: Sophomore 

Dominic currently lives on campus and is loving every minute of college. He still will judge Speech & Debate tournaments for extra money from time to time and still has a huge passion for helping other people as well as changing the future for the better. Dominic is always open to talk to people and listen to the ideas of others. Dominic is happy to join SGA to be able to translate the voices of the students into a positive change for everybody. Currently, he is undecided between becoming a Family Lawyer or a Business Analyst but he is rolling with whatever life throws at him.


Senator Edwin Villatoro, Education Rep 
Major: Bachelor of Education 
4th-8th Social Studies & ESL 
Class: Junior 

A native Salvadorioan, Edwin is excited to embark on his jounrey as an Education major here at UNT Dallas. His dream is to teach and empower the younger generations on the Spanish language. As a senator, Edwin hopes to be a voice for the student body and the School of Education. When not busy with school, Edwin devotes his time to raising his son, who will one day follow in his footsteps of serving his community. Edwin is grateful for the guidance his parents have provided through his educational endeavors. As a former ESL student, Edwin consider himself a strong supporter of those beginning their journey in their English acquisition. When not in our school colors, you will be sure to find Edwin wearing his Blue & White for El Salvador’s national soccer team, -La Selecta Cuscatleca!

Senator Denise Austin, Business Rep 
Major: Organizational Behavior and 
Human Resources Management 
Class: Senior 

Balancing life and work can seem hard, but Denise makes it look so easy. As a mother, wife, full time student and employee, she takes pride in prioritizing and multitasking. Denise is truly grateful for every opportunity to work towards the goal of being a human resources specialist. With a compassion and love for people, especially ones without a voice and is in need, she takes interest in bringing a comfort to everyone while helping to reach their potential goals. The excitement of being a part of SGA at University of North Texas at Dallas is beyond a pleasure for her. Contributing to the growth of UNTD by putting students first, is one of her ultimate goals. Denise loves interacting and creating bonds with her fellow classmates, faculty, and her Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority sisters. As she continues her journey at UNTD, she looks forward to completing her studies towards her BBA in the fall of 2020.

Senator Richard Simon, Veteran Students Rep 
Major: Criminal Justice 
Class: Senior 

US NAVY VETERAN. Served in OIF (Operation Iraq Freedom) and OEF (Operation Enduring Fredom). Served as Aviation Ordnanceman and Small Arms Weapons Instructor. Received Associates of Applied Science in Criminal Justice from Mountainview Community College (DCCCD). I am a senior at UNTD and currently working on my Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. Will be attending Sam Houston State for my Master of Science in Criminal Justice Management and Supervision. MY love and faith in GOD has led me to be the man that I am. I joined SGA to be able to serve my fellow veterans and the student body at UNTD and lead by example. My overall goal is to make a positive impact on our criminal justice system and give back to my community with honor, courage and commitment

Senator Taylor Warren, Residence Life Rep 
Major: Hospitality Management 
Class: Senior 

Taylor is originally from Los Angeles, California, born and raised! She considers herself to have high standards and big dreams with planning to one day be a general manager at a casino. Taylor joined SGA when she saw that change needed to happen for progress at our school. Taylor is passionate about attending UNT Dallas and wants to leave it better than when she arrived. If money was no issue, one immediate thing Taylors would do to better the city you of Dallas is to provide housing for the homeless and combat the issue of food desert. Turn on Tay’s Netflix or Spotify and you’ll see “Machine Gnu Kelly” on her playlist.


Senator Ismerai Gonzalez, Freshmen Student Body Rep 
Major: Political Science 
Class: Freshman 

Ismerai is one of the two Freshman Student Senators here at UNTD. As well as many other things, Ismerai is a Muslim, photographer, and a self-proclaimed activist for social and global issues. Ismerai hopes to attend law school after college, and pursue a career in public service, specifically as a member of Congress. Ismerai is very excited to be able to serve our school, and all the students this year in regards to further progressing our university and community, in its entirety. Her mother is her greatest inspiration. She is the epitome of the modern woman, a lawful person, a loving mother, and a well established business owner. She has always taught and encouraged Ismerai to love justice, to live justly, and to always advocate for what is right. She has taught her that education is freedom from global ignorance, and that she is capable of changing the world in big and small ways.

Senator Herlinda Resendiz, Student Body Rep
Photo Coming Soon 
Major: Political Science 
Minor: Sociology 
Class: Junior 

No bio provided.


Advisor: Daniel "Dee" Goines
Director of Housing & Residence Life

Dee Goines joined the UNT Dallas Community in February 2017. Dee is originally from St. Louis, Missouri, but most recently coming to Dallas from San Jose, California. Dee has an earned Bachelor’s degree in Speech Communication from Webster University, and a Master’s degree in Higher Education Administration from St. Louis University. Dee currently serves on the Association of College and University Housing Officers- International (ACUHO-I) Annual Programs Foundation Committee, and the ACUHO-I P3 task force working group.

Advisor: Jennifer Skinner
Assistant Dean of Students

Jennifer Skinner, a native of Southeast Texas, joined the UNT Dallas Student Affairs team in 2014.  She currently serves as the Assistant Dean of Students for Student Engagement.  Jennifer received her Bachelors of Science in Journalism in 2005 and her Master of Arts in Communications in 2011, both from The University of Texas at Tyler.  She is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Education in Higher Education from Texas A&M - Commerce.  

In her current role, she oversees Campus Activities, Student Organizations, Greek Life and serves as the advisor to the Student Government Association.  She also supervises the Leadership & Multicultural Programs and the Veterans Success Center.  

Prior to working at UNT Dallas, Jennifer worked for over six years at her alma mater in the role of Campus Activities and managing the Student Union and prior to that, she spent two years at Northwood University as the Director of Student Activities.  She believes working in student development in a higher learning environment is a calling and that a student’s college experience includes the holistic experience in and out of the classroom.  Her passion is contributing to that overall experience and developing them as leaders.  Her motto for student development is best said by the late President John F. Kennedy: “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

StrengthsFinder Themes: Woo, Communication, Activator, Arranger, Futuristic



Open Positions include:
Education Senator
Freshmen Student Body Senator
Liberal Arts & Sciences Senator 
Graduate Student Body x 2

​Questions? Email

Governing Documents
SGA Governing Documents & Meeting Minutes
2019-2020 SGA Bios + Photos