Financial Aid

Beginning full-time graduate students who meet all qualifications may apply for financial assistance from the UNT office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. In addition, beginning and continuing students may apply for financial assistance from the Department of Linguistics. This assistance can be in the form of hourly assistantships, teaching assistantships, graduate assistantships, or research assistantships. The positions are competitive and awarded through an application process. Departmental financial aid for continuing students who have not already been offered aid is awarded on the basis of their academic performance, their proficiencies and the departmental needs.
The deadline for applying for departmental financial assistance is:
  • June 15th for the Fall semester
  • October 15th for the Spring semester
The deadline for this application cycle has passed. Please check back in the spring to apply for departmental assistance for the next academic year.



Available Grants

Raupe Travel Grant


Teaching Assistantships

Each year, the Department of Linguistics offers a number of teaching assistantship (TA) positions to eligible graduate students. Specific duties of a TA include: assisting a faculty member in teaching and grading student assignments, preparing instructional materials, tutoring students, supervising tests and/or assessments, etc.

Research Assistantships

Graduate and undergraduate research assistantships are sometimes available from faculty members engaged in research projects generally funded by external agencies (e.g. National Science Foundation). These assistantships are awarded at the discretion of the individual faculty members and are based on the qualifications and skills needed for doing the kind of work required of the student assistants.

Graduate Student Assistantship for Doctoral Students in IS PhD

The department annually awards one graduate student assistantship to support graduate students pursuing a doctoral degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Information Science with a concentration in Linguistics.

Tuition Support

Graduate students working for 20 hours a week (as TAs, RAs, or GSAs) are eligible for in-state tuition rates. In addition, students who receive a competitive scholarship (at least $1000) are also eligible for in-state tuition rates. The department offers a limited number of (in-state) tuition awards each year. Terms and conditions for eligibility may be determined by the funding source. For details, contact the department chair.

Haj Ross Squibber Endowed Scholarship

Beginning Fall 2019, the Department of Linguistics will offer a competitive scholarship of $1000. This scholarship is in the honor of Dr. John Robert “Haj” Ross whose contributions to Linguistics are significant over his 50 year career. The Squibber Scholarship is for students who excel and revel in the art of squib. Both Graduate and Undergraduate students are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Awardees are automatically also eligible for in-state tuition rates.