Registration is now OPEN for the third cohort of the Unlikely Allies Series! Based upon the book Unlikely Allies in the Academy: Women of Color and White Women in Conversation, this multi-module series creates opportunities for intragroup dialogue (among those with the same racial and ethnic identities) and intergroup dialogue (between those of differing identities) with the goal of cultivating bonding and bridging capital among the UNT community.

Piloted in the fall of 2016, the series began with campus visits from Dr. Karen Dace, the book’s editor, followed by sessions with some of the book’s contributors. (Click here for the Unlikely Allies Library Resource Guide, including videos of previous sessions.) By demand, the series evolved into a dialogue-based curriculum exploring commonalities and barriers that affect coalition building.

The third cohort kicks off May 20, 2020 with a virtual interest meeting! Email Teresita Hurtado Ramos at for the Zoom link or recording.

To ensure effective participation, attendance is required at the interest meeting. The cohort will continue with four 1.5 hour sessions led by trained facilitators ranging from 4 – 14 participants over the summer months (to be scheduled) allowing those with common identities to share their perspectives (those who identify as biracial/multiracial can participate in a multi-racial and/or mono-racial group). Participants must also attend their first assigned intragroup session to continue with the program; there may be multiple groups available based upon the number of registrants. Pre-work is encouraged before the intragroup sessions to encourage reflection and participation. Participants can also receive professional development credit for these sessions through UNT’s Learning Management System.

During the spring 2020 semester, all participants will reconvene to share perspectives from their intragroup sessions in a multi-racial group, and discuss next steps for allyship and accompliceship.

For more information, contact assistant director of diversity and inclusion Teresita Hurtado Ramos at or 940-565-3724.

Previous Entries in the Series


"Creating Space for Difficult Conversations & Opportunities for Cross-Cultural and Cross-Racial Conversations” - Part III with Dr. Theresa Torres and Ms. Lisa McCarty November 14, 2017

"Continued Conversations: Women of Color and White Women in the Academy” – Part II with Dr. Frances Kendall April 20, 2017

"Moving from Unlikely to Likely Allies in the Academy” - Part I with Karen Dace October 2016