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Infobytes August 2019
First Flight 2019

Welcome Class of 2023!! The College of Information welcomed more Linguistics and Information Science students to campus, in August. Officially known as college day, students are introduced to the college staff in the Dean's office, advising office and any student organizations and mentorship networks, they may need during matriculation. After introductions and icebreakers, faculty members were encouraged to give a brief ignite talk on their research projects and share any research opportunities open to students. 


Join the College of Information on Monday, Sep 9, at 3 pm, in UNT Union 333, the Discovery Series Lecture, featuring MacArthur Genius Award recipient Daryl Baldwin. Baldwin breathed life into his heritage language, Miami, which was lying dormant for many years as the last fluent speaker passed away in the mid-1800s. In 2019, there are many Miami learners and even some fluent speakers. He could not have accomplished this without the Miami material from the National Archives. Baldwin and Linguist David Costa used Miami language documentation in the archives to revive this sleeping language.
Language documentation and digital language archives are key to cultural and linguistic preservation and revitalization for all communities but especially for the indigenous and lower-resourced languages of the world that are fast disappearing.
Our Discovery Series event is the kickoff for UNT’s celebration the United Nations Year of Indigenous Languages, for more information visit A reception will follow the Q&A.


Researcher and Linguistics Master's student, Daniel Hogue, traveled to the Dene Languages Conference at UC Davis in California. During the conference, he observed several sessions on communication through song, dance, and story-telling.  

The Dene (also known as “Athabaskan”) languages comprise one of the most geographically widespread indigenous language families of North America, with concentrations of speakers in Alaska and western Canada, the southwestern United States, and along the coast in northern California and southern Oregon. The sessions focused and drew attention to Language and Cultural Development through text, the language of music, dance and performance. "Dene Epistemologies: Linguistic Stability and Adaptation. 

Hogue submitted his findings from the conference in a brief report. His takeaways included the rising and most important need for teaching when it comes to language documentation, preservation, and revitalization.  

Spotlight Submissions

We look forward to sharing the stories of our many talented alumni, faculty and staff members year-round. The submission form is another way for us to know what is happening with your career. So much happens within the year and we know time constraints may stop you from sharing your good works or give a kudos to a colleague who is working to make our college a better place. Take a moment to review the form and submissions do not have to be sent anonymously.

Spotlight Forms

Please welcome Dr. Lingzi Hong. She joins the Department of Information Science this Fall as an Assistant Professor. Hong will focus her research, teaching, and service on data science. 

While at UNT, Hong looks forward to expanding her research in urban computing, crisis informatics, and data ethics. The research projects she currently focusses on include, understanding the evacuation behaviors and psychological status of people in disaster-affected areas with social media data, examining how online social movement evolves and ends and research focuses and trends in big data journals.   

In addition to her PhD, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Information System and a master’s of Information Science, both from Beijing Normal University in China. She was born and raised in Hubei, which locates in the middle east of China and is as hot as Texas in the summer. She came to the US in 2014, where she studied her Ph.D. for five years at the University of Maryland College Park. 

The U.S. Department of State is recognizing UNT TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Graduate Naila Islam for an English Teaching Fellowship abroad. During the ten-month project, Islam will be one of 200 U.S. Citizens selected to teach English in Kazakhstan.

Islam received her M.A. in TESOL from UNT in 2015. She gained experience as an ESOL (English Speakers of other languages) in public schools and as adjunct faculty at Brookhaven and Tarrant County Colleges. 

The fellowship is considered a public diplomacy initiative of the State Department to inform and educate people around the world about American culture and about the US in general. There project also poses an opportunity to recruit foreign students coming in to study in the states. The English Language Fellowship program started in the late 1960s. 


Marketing Request Form

The College of Information is the proud owner of a 70" television display outside the advising office. If you have an announcement you would like to see posted on the display please fill out the marketing request form located on the college website.



Kinshuk, Ph.D.


Yunfei Du, Ph.D.  


Shobhana Chelliah, Ph.D.


Tandra Tyler Wood, Ph.D.


Jiangping Chen, Ph.D.


Sadaf Munshi, Ph.D.

Communications Specialist

Ava W. Jones

Web Content Manager

Adam Chavez


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LinkedIn College of Information Community



Office of the Dean

1155 Union Circle, #311068

Denton, TX 76203-5017


Have any interesting story ideas or topics to share?

Contact Ava Jones

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